Chapter 12

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Y/n paced around the dressing room, every so often glancing up at the mirror to examine herself in the flowing white dress.

It had off-the-shoulder, lace long sleeves. The dress itself flowed gracefully down to the floor and trailed behind her.

Y/n pouted her lips in dismay, "It looked so nice on the hanger but on me, it's an utter disappointment." She placed her hands on her thighs and gave a little twirl.

Trish let out a sigh and leaned back in her chair, "You know what... No. Just no. You need to shut up." She leaned forward while pointing a finger at Y/n. Y/n took a step back in anticipation.

Trish placed a finger on her chin as she critically analysed the dress and Y/n from top to bottom, "Since this is the sixth dress you've tried on, I'm ready to say I've had enough. I think that this one is the best. It looks dainty and that suits you."

"You're just saying that because you're tired and want to go home!" Y/n exclaimed, "Though it is true that I want to go home because I'm tired, I won't lie to you. I really do like this one the most. Ultimately it's up to you." Trish stated as she rummaged through her bag, "I guess you're right-" "If I don't tell you to stop and pick you'll end up fitting on every dress in this shop and I feel that, as your maid of honour, I need to shut you up so you can settle on a dress and not go to like what? Four? Yeah, four different boutiques with this being the fifth one?!" Trish cut Y/n off as she pulled a packet of sweets out of her bag and began eating.

Y/n laughed nervously as Trish's frustration took over the peaceful atmosphere. Y/n then proceeded to take one final look at herself in the mirror before patting her hands against her thighs, "You know what, I kinda like this one the most." She said to which only responded with a scoff, "Whatever you say."

*Time pass*

"Giorno are you ready?" Bruno asked as he finished tying the buttons of Giorno's tuxedo, "Yes." He spoke lowly, "What is it? You've been in a whole new mood none of us have seen from you before. Surely it can be because you haven't seen Y/n the entire week." Giorno sighed and glanced at himself in the mirror, "I can't believe this is happening. Everything feels so surreal and we're not even married yet but it's weird, to look back at everything. To see how far we've come and how quickly time passed. I'm excited but I feel a little overwhelmed and anxious." Giorno fiddled with the hem of blazer.

Bruno looked at him solicitously before embracing him in a gentle hold, "You'll be okay. Life may feel like it's moving too fast for you but you're on the right path and everything is happening as it should, at the right time. Take everything as it comes, don't worry about the small stuff. Just relax, okay? Everything will be fine and you'll back and laugh at yourself for stressing about this."

Giorno nodded as they separated, "Come, my bride is waiting for me." Giorno beamed. Bucciarati nodded and they made their way to the church's alter.

Giorno stood with the priest at the end of the alter as he looked towards the big wooden doors awaiting his future wife's entrance. It was at that moment the instrumental of Here Comes The Bride began to play and Giorno could almost swear his heart stopped beating.

"Here we go. It's happening." Giorno and Y/n both thought to themselves. Y/n gripped onto the white and pink roses tightly as the doors opened to reveal her to the crowd of people consisting of both y/n's family, the gang and surprisingly Giorno's mother.

With a sharp breath, Y/n began to slowly make her way down the aisle to her soon-to-be husband.

Giorno's face flushed red when he laid eyes on Y/n and he couldn't help but stare. She was stunning.

Y/n's focus remained on Girono. She studied him, his features, everything down to slightest detail she took note of. Even that one strand of hair that was out of place, she noticed but to her it didn't matter. What mattered was that he looked handsome and they were finally getting married.

Both of them were so focused on each other that they haven't even realised the priest had began speaking.

"Giorno Giovanna, do you take Y/n L/n to be your lawful wedded wife?" Giorno stared straight into her eyes and grabbed her hands in his, "I do." Y/n and Girono both wore silly grins from their overflowing happiness, "Y/n L/n, do you take Giorno Giovanna to be your lawful wedded husband?" Y/n stared deep into Giorno's eyes and tried to calmly say, "I do." Without sounding too excited of course.

"Then," The priest took a pause and looked around the room, "With the power vested in me, I now pronounce you Mr and Mrs Giorno Giovanna. Congratulations and may you have a blessed marriage. You may now kiss the bride."

Giorno wasted no time pulling Y/n into his arms and placing his lips on hers. This was followed by a cheering from the audience, "I love you and I'm so glad I caught you watching porn." Giorno whispered into Y/n's ear, earning a playful slap on his arm from his new wife, ""I love you too, you idiot Giorno Giovanna."



Oh my, who is this? It is I!!! I finally returned from the dead. Wow. I'm not gonna lie my life suddenly got turned upside down for the good for me but unfortunately I haven't really gotten to be on my phone much and when I do it's to catch up on my games or listen to music. I've barely been on Wattpad and I've been writing this chapter very slowly.

But yeah this is it, the final chapter of Girls Watch Porn too?! It's been fun I really enjoyed writing this book and the comments and votes that came along with it really made/make me happy. Thank you so much for the support and I'm sorry that this chapter took so long to get released. See you in the next one❤️~

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