The one and only part

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Way back when Gemini was out on her drug run and one of her clients Leroy wanted some drugs. She was on his way to his house 🏡 to bring the drugs. Keep in mind though, Gemini doesn't do drugs, she never has. Except for pot, she does smoke pot, but is weed really a drug? No, we don't think so. Anyway she just delivers the drugs. She gets to his house and gave him the drugs and he gave her the money. She was very thirsty though, she didn't have any water💦. So he invited her into the house for some water.
Leroy: "you look very thirsty"
Gemini "yes i am very thirsty"
Leroy: "I can get you some water"
Gemini: "I was thinking of something else"

Long story short, they hooked up.

Gemini went home and went to bed that night. She just went on with normal life, kept up with her drug runs, went grocery shopping, picked up some new drug stock. About 2 months later she started feeling sick. Like really fucking sick. Throwing up and shit. Anyway she started thinking about it and realized that she hasn't bled out of her vagina in a while. She was confused, how did she not realize all the signs? So she went to CVS and got a pregnancy test. No surprise it came back positive. She was pissed. She had to deliver some drugs to Leroy later so she was just gonna kill 2 cats with a cleaver. So she got the pregnancy test and the drugs and put them all in a little gift bag. She pulls up to Leroy's and hands him the bag.

Leroy: "wtf is this"
Gemini: "your drugs dumb bitch"
Leroy: "damn chill"
Gemini: "open the fucking bag dick head"

Leroy opens the bag

Leroy: "Oh shit you're pregnant?"
Gemini: "no fucking shit dumbass"
Leroy: Shiittt who's is it"
Gemini: "bruh why tf do you think i gave it to you in a fucking gift bag"
Leroy: "holy shit, are you serious, holy shit i'm gonna be a dad"

It was in that moment that Geminis mind changed about the whole baby thing. She saw that he was excited about being a dad and thought that maybe they could raise a kid together. She went inside and they talked about it. They decided that they were going to co-parent together. She made him promise one thing though. He had to stop the drugs. He currently did some coke and some other shit idk. Drugs are bad, but he promised.
As the months went on and Gemini and Leroy spent more and more time together preparing for a baby, they started to get closer and closer. It was about 7 months into the pregnancy. Gemini and Leroy went out to buy some baby clothes and the thrift store. How cute and quirky. They're thrifting their baby clothes.

Gemini: " hey leroy look at these baby overalls"
Leroy: "aww i those are cute"

Gemini looks at Leroy

Gemini: "leroy... i love you"
Leroy: gemini, i love you too"

2 months later:
It's about a week until Geminis due date. She ready to pop any second though. It's the middle of the night and Gemini wake Leroy up screaming. Her water broke. Leroy throws himself out of bed and hits his big fucking head on the nightstand. Now he's fucking bleeding while Gemini is over here dripping water and contracting. Leroy finally gets his shit together and starts getting stuff ready to go to the hospital.

Leroy: "okay are you ready to go to the hospital?"
Leroy:" bruh wtf"
Gemini"i'm not going to a fucking hospital"
"Leroy: Gemini get your fat juicy ass in the car, or you're gonna have our fucking baby right here"
Gemini: "Leroy... I have to tell you something."

Gemini sat Leroy down, gave him a quick hand job, and basically explained that she wasn't from earth. He thought she was fucking delusional. She told him she was from a planet called Stoidiaca. She had to flee her planet when she was a teenager because her mother was trying to take her eggs. Her mom couldn't have kids anymore and was mad about it so she tried to take Gemini's and Gemini was not down with that, so she got in her ufo and came down to earth. She decided to become a drug dealer because it payed well and she didn't need to apply for citizenship. As you could expect, Leroy was so confused and didn't really believe her. Before he could really get any words in, Gemini started having another contraction.


Leroy helped Gemini into the bathtub. The baby was coming out bro. You could see it's head starting to come out. It didn't have hair though and you could tell it's skin was like a gray-blue color. Leroy was trippin tf out at this point. Gemini is fucking screaming like a psycho and Leroy has no idea what to do.

Leroy: "PUSH PUSH"

About 10 minutes later, that whole baby was out. Gemini was holding the baby and Leroy had gotten in the tub with them. He was sitting on the other side and just staring at them. She handed him the baby. He looked at him and said,

"His name is Levi"

Gemini loved the name. So now they have their little blue-gray alien baby named Levi. Gemini later explained that the reason she isn't blue anymore is because after being around other beings for long enough, her species just forms to look like those around them. That's why she looks human. The next few years were really good for the 3 of them. Christmas was coming up in a few weeks and some of Leroys family was coming out for the holiday. Leroys mom, brother, and 2 cousins came out about a week before Christmas. Everyone was having a good time getting to know Gemini and Levi. Cut to Christmas eve, Gemini and Leroy had just put Levi to bed. Leroys mom and cousins were already in bed too. They needed some food for christmas breakfast so Leroy went out to the store. So it was just Gemini and Leroy brother, Oscar awake at the house.

Oscar: "Hey Gemini, I got a santa costume to surprise Levi tomorrow"
Gemini: "oh that's really cool, he'll love that."
Oscar: "yeah thanks, do you wanna see it on"
Gemini: "alright sure"

Oscar went to go put the santa suit on

Oscar: "what do you think?"
Gemini:" haha that's pretty hot"
Oscar"you think it's hot?"
Gemini" yeah a little"

Long story short, they hooked up. With Oscar in a santa suit right under the christmas tree.

As you could've probably guessed Leroy came home and walked in on this.

Gemini:"Oh shit"
Oscar"oh shit man sorry shit sorry holy fuck"

Gemini and Oscar get up and are scrambling for their clothes. Leroy is beyond himself. He didn't even know what to think. Him and Gemini stayed up fighting all night. He told her he wanted full custody of Levi and he wanted to leave her. She was so pissed. Leroy ended up falling asleep around 3am. Gemini got online and booked a plane ticket for Ireland. She packed some of her shit and some of Levi's shit. She went to wake Levi up and they got in the car and went to the airport. That plane took off and Levi was so confused why his dad wasn't with them. (and since he's 3 he's already adapted to look like those around him, so he's doesn't look like a little blue alien boy). They landed in Ireland and Gemini found a little cabin in the mountains that they could live in. They had been living there a few months, when Levi heard his mom talking to his dad on the phone. They were fighting about what happened Christmas Eve. Levi heard this and he was so upset. He was furious. He started fuming. Fire was coming off of him from all over. He began to turn his natural color, blue/grayish. He started screaming and throwing things. Gemini dropped the phone and she was scared. She was so scared. Levi started to back her into a corner, fire coming out of his hands and he was still shrieking. She was screaming at him to calm down and back up. He picked up a glass plate and threw it at her head. She fell to the ground. She was dead. Levi had just killed his mom. He picked up the phone that Gemini dropped on the floor.

Levi: "Daddy."
Leroy: Levi, is that you, are you okay??"
Levi: "yeah i'm okay"
Leroy: "okay baby, where are you?"
Leroy:"okay baby, stay there, i'm coming to get you."

The End

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