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-Sapnap POV- (wow haven't done this in a while it only been Karl POV for what the last like 5 chapters?)

I had Karl cuddled to my chest while his legs lied in Quakity's lap as Quakity gently rubbed his legs. I heard the doorbell ring so I tapped Karl's head to get him up. Karl groaned as he moved over to cuddling with Quakity. I shrugged as Quakity looked at me and then got up to go get the door for Dream and George. "Welcome guys!" I said greeting the two that were at the door.

Karl looked up and waved as he had just woken up from a well needed nap. We all sat down in the living room while Karl went to the kitchen. I was a bit confused at first but then saw him coming back with a pacifier in his mouth. 'That's right he hasn't slipped into his little mindset in over a week' I thought to myself as he sat in my lap. "So what should we do, also no truth or dare or stuff like that Karl is in his little mindset right now." I said to the group as they had all looked bored already. "Hey Karl you wanna play hide'n'seek?" Dream asked him. I looked down to see Karl smiling. "Yes Please!" He said excitedly. "Ok I will seek and you can hid with Q if you want to ok?" I said to him. I figured he would be more comfortable if he was hiding with someone because of his past and stuff. But being his past how it was he could also end up having a panic attack while one of us are looking for him calling out his name. I pushed away the thought and started counting as everyone began to hide.

(Karl POV)

Me and Q started to look for a place to hide a long with Dream and George. I was a bit nervous to be playing hide'n'seek just because of events that happened with my past that can, and most likely will start me to just brake down in a panic attack. Me and Quakity decided to hide in our bedroom. It was an easy spot yes but my little mindset is around the age of 3-6 most of the time. "HERE I COME!" We heard Sapnap yell out. I held Quakitys hand as he rubbed my back trying to comfort me incase I had started to shake or get nervous. I had eased into the comfort of Quakity and leaned my head back onto his chest now fully sitting in his lap. 'I love having two perfect partners who care for me' I thought to myself. I heard the door open, which I do have to be honest it scared me just a bit. Quakity gripped me a bit tighter and lightly hushed me. "Boo!" We heard Sapnap scream. I started to giggle while Quakity handed me too him. Needless to say I engulfed Sapnap in a giant hug. We continued onto the next round this time George was the seeker. I was kind of scared. We forgot to told Dream and George my panic triggers. Let's just hope that nothing goes wrong. George started counting and I go with Sapnap to go and hide. Sapnap was better at noticing if things triggered me or not. We decided to hide in the bathroom. Again not the greatest spot ever but oh well. "HERE I COMEEEEEE!"George yelled out. I flinched a little and as Sapnap felt it he hugged me. I melted into the touch a bit but then heard large footsteps coming up the stairs. I started shaking. I didn't expect anything to happen but it did when I didn't want it to. Suddenly the door slammed open. I burst out into tears crying into Sapnaps chest. "Shhhh baby its ok"Sapnap said in a calm tone. I was shaking extremely violently and still crying. I didn't believe him. "I-I',m so sorry Sapnap I didnt mean to do anything wrong..."George said to Sapnap in a hushed tone. Suddenly all of my past cam flowing into my head. I started to hyperventilate. "Shit he is hyperventilating! George go get the others!" Sapnap yelled. George nodded quickly left the bathroom to go and get the others. "DOM'T HURT ME AGAIN!"I yelled out still crying. "Baby..I am not her...she isn't here.."Sapnap said quietly. I calmed down a bit from the hyperventilating and managed to match his breathing. a few moments later the other three walked in. Quakity ran down to me and Sapnap's side and took me into his arms. I melted into the touch and cried into his chest. "Honey its ok, your ok none of us will ever hurt you ok?"Quakity said trying to calm me. I had soon calmed down and had Quakity tell the other two my triggers while I cuddled close to Sapnap as he held me.

We had stopped playing hide'n'seek and I got myself a new pacifier. I sat down with Dream and Sapnap on the air mattress we had set up and cuddled with my bunny plush. Sapnap started tickling me a bit later and started giggling and laughing like crazy. Quakity called us all in for dinner. Quakity had made tacos for everyone else and made me some mac'n'chease.After eating dinner we decided to watch some movies and get ready to sleep. Once we were all ready we then headed to bed.

A/n: I am so sorry that this chapter is later than expected but i will be taking a brake for the rest of today and tomorrow so I will be back after that but trust me J didn't forget about this story :)

Also thank you for all the Votes and reads and I love you make sure you eat and drink something <3

Trying to figure myself out(Karlnapity-trans ftm Karl) DISCONTINUED!!Where stories live. Discover now