Prince And Princess Pyscho

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Kehlani Pov

-Hyunjin is scheduled to cover Pyscho by Red Velvet Sunbaenim in a few days and he asked me to practice with him. Of course I agreed but I had to get up earlier than he did because my meeting with JYP got postponed to this morning. After yesterday I was tired and pretty mad at my height. I tried to be as careful as possible to not wake anyone I went to get my shorts from Han's bed only to see him, Minho and Felix cuddled together. I froze for a second then took a picture. I grabbed my shorts and quickly ran out. I went back to finish getting dressed

-I made myself a cup of coffee and left with Unnie

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-I made myself a cup of coffee and left with Unnie

Yoona:*hands me a camera* K//you need to film today. Sorry for the short notice

Me:K//it's fine *starts the video* STAY annyeonggggg *waves* gwenchana? *zooms in my eye* jal jasseong? I hope you slept well *nods*

Yoona:K//did you?

Me:K//yeah but I saw the weirdest thing today

Yoona:K//what was it?

Me:K//Han, Minho and Felix cuddled. Also a half naked Chan

Yoona:K// The Minsunglix part you always see Chan naked

Me:*widens my eyes and laughs* UNNIE! I'm filming

Yoona:K//aish! Sorry, but tell me

Me:K//well I went to get my shorts from Hannie's bed and-

Yoona:K//why were your shorts in his bed? You have your own room

Me:*bites my lip* K//I went to get my shorts from Hannie's bed


Me:K//and I just saw it. I'm a bit jealous because I wasn't invited but it's fine. I have STAY now so I think I'll be okay *gives a thumbs up*

-When we arrived to the company I paused the camera and went to Pdnim's office with Unnie. He was there but I thought he'd be later than me, then again for some reason he stutters a little when he talks to me sometimes. Not only that but when we talk and I look at him he gets flustered. He says I "have intimidating eyes" and "a malicious poker face". Maybe he's just scared of me

Me:*bows* K//goodmorning Pdnim

JYP:K//goodmorning Kehlani how are you

Me:I'm fine how are you?

JYP:I'm well, what brings you in?

Me:K//I don't know I thought you could tell me that actually

JYP:K//oh right! *rubs his eyebrow* sorry

Me:*chuckles* K//it's fine

JYP:K//I wanted to talk with you about the song I heard you singing. You said it is your song right?

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