Life With 8 Boys

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Kehlani's POV

-Our Gods Menu promotions have now come to an end and JYP is throwing a party for it since it did so well. We still have Easy stages so we're completely done yet but we have less schedules which is so good for me because the boys are tearing the dorm apart. You would be surprised how many pairs of shoes are on the floor, clothes are everywhere, no wonder how I got Lix's underwear. I was up early ready to clean but everyone else was sleep and I didn't want to wake them.

-I decided to vlog it because like I said I haven't been posting much for STAY and they should really know how much they're boys need cleaning lessons. I didn't show too much of the dorm but I showed me picking up shoes and putting them away so no one would trip.

Me:K//this is the quietest thing I can do right now. Your boys really know how to dirty the dorm again. I just cleaned this place two weeks ago now I have shoes back on the floor. Chan may be the leader but I'm still the Noona of this place. Anyway did you eat? If no, you should, I will soon but you should right now or you'll see me in your dreams later. Until then, watch me clean the dorm *smiles*

-I continued moving the shoes then moved to sorting clothes and putting them with the rest of their clothes. I started laundry then moved to the bathroom.

Me:K//this takes kind of long especially since I have to be quiet. I haven't even washed up yet but I did brush my teeth. I don't want you guys smell- you can't......*puts my head down* what's wrong with me? Anyways, I'm going to put this in fast motion later so it'll be more entertaining. Fast motion *snaps and points to the camera*

-Halfway cleaning I could hear some of the members waking up and the first up was I.N. He came and got shaving cream on the floor after I had just cleaned toothpaste from it. At first he just stared at me knowing what he did so I stared at him wondering was he going to pick it up. He may be taller than me but Baby Bread knows so he cleaned it and went away then Chan came in naked

Me:*screams and pushes him away* get out!

Chan:what'd I do? I just want a hug come on *comes back with his arms open*

Me:Chris no! *pushes him and laughs* I'm recording *points to the camera*

Chan:ahh! *hides behind me*

Me: go put on a shirt or something *pushes him out* here *throws him my hoodie*

Chan:will I fit in this?

Me:it's a size bigger so I don't know try and see

Chan:*leaves and comes back* it's ok I guess

Me:SHORTS YOUNG MAN! *points to the door*

Chan:oh my god *laughs and leaves* is this better *comes back*

Me:I guess

Chan: *back hugs me* heh hi Kehlani


Chan:*turns* hi STAY K//Kehlani's cleaning again

Me:K//yeah I have to

Chan:*bounces* Jagi-aahhhhh

Me:*mocks him* Channie-ahhhh *holds my laugh*

??:*comes in*hi

Me:hi Seungmin

Seungmin:K//are you cleaning again? The shoes are organized

Me:K//yes so if you see if Hyunjin or Han kill him for me

Seungmin:*giggles* okay *walks out*


Me:K//STAY I definitely don't recommend living with 8 boys. Especially a Hyunjin or Han they have clothes EVERYWHERE. Hyung and Changbin's are black so it's easy because it's one of theirs but hard because I have to figure out who's is it. I try to remember who I've seen wearing what but honestly everyone shares clothes

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