Chapter 6: The First Time (continued)

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She felt the release. The pulsing. The waves. It was coming from her privates but resonated throughout her whole body. Margarite's hips involuntarily flexed back and forth just a little bit, and she had to lean against the wall to keep her balance. She knew that she was cumming, but this was different from any other time before.

First of all, the moment before she broke, when it feels like a rock about to roll down a hill, felt sooo much longer than usual. Not the normal one or two seconds before cumming, but it seemed to stretch on upwards to six. So much so that she clenched her eyes shut and literally felt as if her privates were about to explode all over inside her diaper. She bent over in pleasurable pain waiting for it to happen, and it just got more and more and more intense until her body finally yielded itself over to her diaper. During those seconds she felt as if she couldn't even breath. She was completely at the mercy of her diaper's effects on her body.

Second, this orgasm was much more intense to the ones that she was used to. This one seemed to rock her whole body, literally. It kept on going! Margarite wasn't even aware that her body was capable of making her feel this way! She was cumming to much to think straight and just stood there, leaned against the wall, pulsing involuntarily with her eyes shut. After several rounds of feeling everything clench, she felt grool dripping out of her vagina, which was slimy on her inside but felt sticky against her diaper's padding. She had had that happen to her before, just not nearly this much, nor was it in a diaper. Margarite's parents wouldn't be home until later that night, so she wasn't worried about suppressing her gasps and light moaning.

Margarite felt as if she was now radiating heat from everywhere, including her face, chest, back, and privates. Not an uncomfortable heat, nor sweaty, but it was a good kinda heat. The way you feel after you wrap yourself in a warm blanket, or step into a hot shower. She felt like she was floating, as if her legs no longer existed or had any feeling to them. Her body was just there, suspended in the universe, emitting all the pleasure and warmth that there is in existence.

It must have been a whole minute that Margarite stood there bent over facing the wall. She had to wait for her orgasm to calm down before she could start thinking straight again, let alone walk anywhere. She moaned a soft "Ooo" sound one more time before picking up her backpack (which she had brought in from the car and left on the floor) and made her first steps towards her bedroom. She could feel her pussy juice now lubricating the inside of her diaper, which was now starting to cool off. Now that she had cummed (a lot) inside the diaper, she felt a lot more relieved, relaxed even. Satisfied. Although she had to admit the diaper still felt special good on her body, it honestly did feel a little gross having your own pee and cum sliding around your privates. She decided the best thing to do would be to take off her diaper and throw it away after wrapping in a plastic shopping bag.

Margarite threw down some towels onto the floor and pulled off her leggings. Her panties were still on over her diaper, so she pulled those down too. She then proceeded to lay on top of the towels, spread open her legs, and untape her diaper. She lifted the front off her crotch and felt the cool air flow over her. She felt goosebumps spread across her skin even though she was still warm on the inside. She lifted her hips and butt off the floor and slid the diaper out from underneath her. She sat up, rolled the diaper in on itself, and taped it closed.

As she held it in her hand, she thought to herself how amazing it was that something so small, small enough to fit in the palm of her hand, had controlled her to such an extent that evening

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As she held it in her hand, she thought to herself how amazing it was that something so small, small enough to fit in the palm of her hand, had controlled her to such an extent that evening. Its as if it had dominated her senses, telling her how to act and making her feel the way she did. It felt so full and heavy as it was taped around her waist, yet felt unimpressively small in her hand. After a few seconds of admiring her little creation, she stood up, pulled up her panties, and found an old plastic shopping bag to roll it up and toss it in the trash. Just to make sure no one else would notice it, she made sure to cover it up with some other trash. Slick.

When Margarite returned to her bedroom, she took off all her clothes and took a refreshing shower. She made sure to wash herself extra well because she wanted to make sure to get rid of the pampers perfume smell, although she had to do so gently because her privates still felt a little sensitive. She Once she was done taking a shower, brushing her teeth, and getting dressed, she pulled her phone and charger out from her backpack, only upon unzipping it she found herself a surprise waiting for her.

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