Biology Class

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"WAKE UP!" Alexa alarmed with wide scary eyes.

"Damn you scared me..." I complained, rubbing away my drool.

"Come on, first bell starts in an hour. You gotta get ready girl. Hah sorry for waking you up like that." She smiled

"Maybe I have to get used to that." I joked

Alexa rolled her eyes.

She is all dressed up and ready. What the what? Seriously she is the most posh girl I've ever known! In a good way though.

Jeans and a t-shirt. Yep. That's what I'm going to wear. Not much goodies in my closet.

All of the sudden Alexa's talking to someone in the phone. Deep, deep voice.

"Who's that?" I interrupted.

"My boyfriend" She whispered.

Well. I'm jealous. Alexa is freaking perfect! Nice clothes, organized, smart, classy, so pretty, and has a boyfriend.

I had TWO boyfriends in my whole life. And what I meant by boyfriends are two gay boy- friends.

I sighed.

I brushed my teeth and spoofed powder foundation all over my face. Viola.

"Let's go?" Alexa hurried.


"Were eating breakfast Princess."

"Wait, wait. I don't have breakfast money."

"I got it covered." She smiled.

She reeled my hands and we immediately got out of the door. Good timing though, I'm hungry.

The cafeteria is wide. Mega wide. And it's filled with college students. I feel so odd. The whole area smelled like garlic bread and apples. Alexa dragged me to the empty corner table. I also feel like I'm back to high school.

"I'll get eggs, salad, and milk. You?" She asked.

"Um... Cereal?" I answered. Obviously confused and stupid.

"You kidding me?" She giggled, "There's no cheerios here silly. I'll get you garlic bread."

"Heh- but..."

She stood up with her wallet and left without me getting the chance to answer.

Okay then.

I tapped my fingers on the plastic table. Gazing at people talking happily and eating their breakfast. It's so loud. I looked at my right, the exit door. Someone caught my attention...

A tall man with a gentle physique. His brown hair is waxed neatly in a cowlick. And his glasses. Those black, beautiful glasses, fitted well on his jawline. His biceps are peeking through his tight, white suit. How such lovely man exists in this planet. I kept staring at him. There's something. Something I can sense and feel about this man I am looking at. My body became cold.

*snap* Alexa snapped off.

"Princess. What you looking at?"

"Huh, nothing really. What's that?"

"Nothing. phs. Anyway, here's your garlic bread, and also I got yogurt for you."

"Thanks so much Alexa. We've just met but you're such an angel."

"Angel is an overstatement. You're welcome." She grinned.

I looked back at the exit door. He's gone.

We continued eating while my head was spinning about him.

Alexa and I have Biology together in the beggining of the day. I guess I like biology... It's much more interesting than mathematics.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2016 ⏰

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