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✎ɴᴏᴛᴇ: this is the remake of chapter 2,
I know that's a short chapter so I made some extra twistof the story so here we go

❖❖ʙᴇɢɪɴɴɪɴɢ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ❖❖


as we got out of that hell hole village, we already knew one day something like this will happen but we're not expecting it to be this early,

before the banishment, when where out of mission to the other country, we live s hundred of clone to build up the uzushiokagure,no one knew about this except us , the uzushio was the home plae of the uzumakis, no one knew or no one found that place cause I make a powerful seal that only seal grand master like me can open it,

we didn't run or jump to tree ,
we just walk like casual civilian travelers,

me and kakashi are in our civilian outfit so no one would find us

as we were walking our way in the uzushiokagure village in a slow pace,we noticed it's getting dark and our pathways would be dark and too dangerous to walk,so we look for a place to camp for the night 🌙,we found a forest that have bug trees,[jus...

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as we were walking our way in the uzushiokagure village in a slow pace,
we noticed it's getting dark and our pathways would be dark and too dangerous to walk,
so we look for a place to camp for the night 🌙,
we found a forest that have bug trees,
[just like the forest on attack on titan]
kakashi is setting up the camp on the trees,
and me making a trap if there's enemy tgat might attack us, fortunately there is no enemy buy is still set up my s
sealing trap,
I walk back to the camp where kakashi is reheating an instant food,
suddenly a man with a long redhead chopped my neck making me unconscious I couldn't react fast enough as darkness is taking my sight

and the man's group came to the camp hiddenly and chopped my fiance neck making him unconscious as well

as we wake up,
I was in a room with no windows ,our chakra got sealed of , but me being a grand master at sealing I figured out how to take the seal ,and as I'm about to stand up I feel a golden chain wrap around me as I saw the man again,
as u finnally noticed that kakashi was also chained,
trying to escape in the next cell,

"who are you" I shout at the man ,

❖❖ᴇɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ❖❖

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