Chapther 3

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Stop giving me headaches mitchi
One day you're going to be the death
Of me...


"Kiyomasa said today's figther is
Takuya" Takemitchy froze in his spot
slowly Processing the new information .

But takuya's body is...weak.

The thoughts of his bestfriend getting
beat up like some kind of Punching bag hurt him.

"I see.." Takuya mumbled staring down
To the floor .

"But it's impossible for takuya!" makoto
Said .

"he ain't that good in fighting too"
Yamagishi added worried for his friends
Life .

"Can you akkun?"

"I'll take his place if i could" He answer


Takuya fixed his postured standing up
Straight as he looks up on takemitchy .

" my fight" Takuya
Said he smiled at the others signalling
Them that he will be fine or will he...?

"I'm gonna get revenge on you" he said
Lightly punched takemitchy's chest .

"If i win you'll buy me some gyudon
Won't you..?" Takuya displayed a wider
Smile seemingly not affected by the
Threats he will be facing later .

"Do your best takuya"

"You won't lose wen it comes to some

I had thought they we're so lame but
They are pretty cool after all . with those
Last thoughts takemitchy hurried to his
Friends side .

- Meanwhile -

"Hi , can i ask you a something" You ask
The girl , you're in takemitchy's school .

"Uhm..y-yeah" The girl said looking up
On you because you're taller .

"Do you know where is takemitchy
Hanagaki" You ask the female who's
Breaking her own neck by looking up on
The third year highschooler .

Girls on the hallways started gossiping
on eachother , staring at your towering
Figure shyly .

"'s this way" tbe girl said before
Pointing at takemitchy's clasaroom .

"Thanks , princess" You flirtly said
before you walk in the classroom , you
look back and shoot a wink at the girls
Making them flustered and squeeling .

After peeking at the classroom , you
Notice that takemitchy is not there .

"Takemitchy where the are you!" You
Grunted as you marched away .

As you left the school grounds your feet
Brought you to familiar place where you
Once find him from the streets , you
Could already hear the cheering from
The crowds and loud voice of someone
Pretending to be Mc .

"I swear to satan if i found you there
And get beated up again , those guys
Are dead mitchy" You said underneath
Your breath .

You're not stupid , you know everything
About the fights , where he gets almost
All of his injury , You knew.

Without thinking twice you run towards
The direction where the fight was .

You saw kiyomasa beating Takemitchy.

"You motherfvcker!" You said angrily
Everyone got quiet , they all look
towards your direction .

Kiyomasa heared your voice , chills run
Down to his spine , eyes widening he
Turned around only to be met by a
punch that sent him a few meters away
From takemitchy .

"A-Aniki..." Takemitchy and the others
Gasp , no one expect you to be there .

Kiyomasa layed there blood coming out
From his nose , Yes you break his nose
He stumbled as he tries to get up .

"What , come and get up bitch!" You spat
Venom can be heared in your voice and
A dark aura surronding you that make
Everyone scared for their own life .

It was them , who beated takemitchy up
You saw them when you're walking
Home the other day , you warn them to
Stay away from takemitchy but looks
Like they didn't listen to you at all .

Kiyomasa managed to get up , the
crowd are still silence , kiyomasa run towards you charging his fist but you
just dodge It and kick him hard in the stomach making him kneel infront of
you while Holding his stomach .

"Didn't i already warn you huh " You
Said walking near to kiyomasa who's
Still kneeling in the ground .

"Stay.Away.From.Takemitchy" You said
In low cold tone , holding his neck tightly

No one dared to make a sound or move
They we're all scared that if they dared
To interrupt , they're going to die .

"A-Aniki..Stop now...Please" Takemitchy
On the other hand tries to stop you by
Tugging your arm .

It was new to him , he never saw you
Like this , it was scary almost terrifying you're not like your usual self like calm
and serious .

Seeing this new version of you , made
Him felt scared and shocked , shocked
That you are willing to hurt anyone who
Dares to hurt him .

"Aniki...please stop" Talemitchy plead
You look at him feared showing in his
Eyes .

Seeing feared showing in his eyes , you
Let go of kiyomasa , thinking that
maybe Takemitchy is scared of you now .

Takemitchy was scared that if you kill
Kiyomasa you're going to jailed , he
Didn't want that to happened .

"Your lucky mitchy is here" You said
Facing Takemitchy who let out a sigh .

"Aniki i-" Takemitchy said but got cut
Off by you .

"Stop giving me headaches mitchy one
Day you're going to be the death of me"
You said patting his head before turning
Your back .

"And you Kiyomasa take this warning"
You said before walking away .

"H-Hai" Kiyomasa said , scared to faced
You again .

You dissapeared in the crowd
meanwhile Two blonds are watching
you since Earlier in amusement .

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