Day 10

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Dear Diary,

Today, Niall gave me a camera. He told me to take photo's of beautiful things.

So I took a photo of him.

I'm so lucky to have him.

Although, every relationship has it's problems...

I overheard Niall on the phone before...

"We can't let her find out, I love you, bye."

That's all I heard.

He's cheating on me.

My heart sank at those words.

What was I supposed to do?

Surely, I ignored him and pretended like I had no clue.

I thought he was decent, at least half decent.

But apparently not.

I shut down fr the rest of the day. I told Niall to leave, saying I was tired.

He agreed and gave me a quick peck on the cheek before leaving.

 I don't want him.

I don't want his cheating hands over me.

I don't want his soft lips kissing every inch of my body, telling me I'm beautiful.

It's all a lie.

This is a lie.

We are a lie.

Am I fucking kidding myself? I know I need him.

Gosh, what the fuck is wrong with me?

I cried.

I cried for hours, till I felt I could talk to someone without crying. 

I called Zayn and talked to him.

He gave me advice

He told me Niall isn't cheating on me. 

He promised.

But I know he's lying.

They all believe him, because poor Niall wouldn't cheat on anyone no matter what.


He's so perfect.

He's got everyone wrapped around his finger. They'll bend over backwards for him. 

Not me.

I refuse to take part in anything he does.

We all know I can't do that.

We know I need him.

I can't leave him.

I love him.

What do I do?

Look at me, talking to a fucking diary.

Not like it's gonna talk back to me.


At least it got dying off my mind.

I can't wait to die. 

Then I won't have to end things with Niall.

Maybe he might feel what I felt.

WHo knows.

Maybe I'm just another fling.

Someone who no one gives two shits about.

Maybe I'm just for the publicity.

Maybe he wants to be loved.

I need to stop thinking.

I've got to sleep.

I'll talk tomorrow.

Yours sincerely,

Hanna xx


So done.

Zayn's gone.

I don't know what to do.

This chapter is in honour of him and his time soent with One Direction.

I will post more with Zayn in it.

Just for additional knowledge, Zayn is still apart of One Direction in this book unless otherwise stated.

I hope you guys enjoy this long overdue chapter!

Extremely sorry that I haven't been posting!

Homework is already hectic. 

Ugh, someone kill me.

Enjoy pineapples xxo 

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