0.9 Catch Me

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"Today was fun" I smile, walking beside Niall. He nods and looks over at me.

"It was, I enjoyed it."

Our hands brush together and I feel something I haven't felt before.

I don't know what it is, but I like it.

"We should do it more, you know... Hang out." Niall speaks up, breaking the silence that fell between us.

"Yeah, we should."

"Are you okay Hanna?"

I nod and slow down, slowly halting in the middle of the footpath.


I look up, and find Niall racing towards me.

My eyes roll into the back of my head and my legs feel weak.


"She's slowly dying, the chemotherapy isn't working as fast as we hoped. We're going to stop the chemo. I'm sorry Mrs Spencer." Dr Stevens voice echoes through the almost silent room.

"But she's only a teenager. Isn't there something else you can do? I can't lose my baby girl," My mother responds, her cries filling the room.

"I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do now. We have to run some tests on her right now, but we'll let you know if anything happens."

The door clicks, and I assume my mum has left the room.

I keep my eyes close, stirring in the hospital bed, making quiet noises.

Slowly, I open my eyes and glance around.

"Hanna, you're awake." Dr Stevens smiles as he walks over to me.

"Am I going to be okay?"

He hesitates before replying to my question.

"Hanna you're very sick at the moment. The chemotherapy has reacted to you, and it's too late to try anything else. Hanna, I'm sorry to tell you, but you only have 2 weeks left."

Great. Just when things start looking up.

"But Dr Stevens... I think I love someone. I can't just leave them." I choke and I know I didn't plan on saying that.

"Love is the least of your worries, you need to breathe."

I shake my head and close my eyes as I try to comprehend what is going on.

I'm dying.

I grab my phone from beside me and unlock it.

@harrysnip69: Harry, I'm sick. I'm dying.

@Harry_Styles: You're going to be fine babe x

@harrysnip69: No, Harry you don't understand. I have 2 weeks to live.

@Harry_Styles: Shit.

@harrysnip69: But it's okay because you'll all be leaving soon anyway (:

@Harry_Styles: I'm sorry, it will not be okay. Niall loves you, he's not going to deal with this

@Harry_Styles: I bet this is some sick joke anyway

@harrysnip69: I wouldn't joke about this.

@Harry_Styles: Niall is going to flip if he finds out about this

@harrysnip69: I know.

@harrysnip69: I'm gonna go, I'm tired. I'll see you all soon. xxo


And that's that!

I figured these chapters are going to be shorter, but I'll update faster.

It's easier bc I'm on a holiday, so shorter updates are easier for me.

I'll post the next chapter soon, won't be too long till the end of the book!

Enjoy my squishy jellyfish!


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