*Last night*
"Okay, tell me about Mount" Steve picked up a glass of wine from the floor. "I want to know the details!"
- There are no details - I rolled my eyes - We went for a pizza, we talked, I have a lot of fun talking to him, I feel at ease and you know how it is - I laughed - He has no big ego ... and ... I'm going with him tomorrow to the cinema after the shift, there is some horror marathon and we thought we should go
- I ALSO WANT TO! come on take me please. Maybe he has some nice gay friends. "Collins raised his eyebrows significantly
- I do not know if he has such friends - I laughed - If I had met you earlier, I would have matched you with my friend ... but I have no contact with him anymore - I shrugged
"Show him here right now." I laughed and pulled out my phone, showed him the first photo of Austin, "God, what a miracle, why don't you have contact with him bad woman!" maybe it's the one. "He snorted and tossed a puff in his mouth
- Our paths diverged ... but let's not talk about him anymore - I smiled weakly and the boy hugged me
- Do not worry about the blonde, you have me now, one gay friend is enough for you - he laughed and gave me a kiss on the head
- Thank you for coming today - I cuddled up to him - we will play uno?
"I thought you wouldn't ask anymore," he laughed and took the cards from the locker.
The boy shuffled the cards very carefully and began to deal. I took my share, I guess I couldn't find it worse. Okay. I start, I put a card to which the boy reacts +2, no eggs, I pull and I hit +4 and the color change is good. We played this game for a good 10 minutes. Ultimately, the blond won. We played maybe 4 more rounds and we threw our cards to the side of the room because we were fed up with thinking. We had to finish the wine so we did that too. And since I was supposed to be at the restaurant at 7, I had to go to bed. The boy wanted to lie on the floor, but I finally persuaded him to go to bed. At 6 o'clock my alarm rang, I told him to go to sleep and I went to wash myself up. As I left, Collins was asleep, I smiled slightly and went downstairs. Oliver was already there.
- Aurora - puścił mi oczko. Boże dlaczego on wygląda tak cudownie w tym stroju kelnera. Nie stop. Skup się na innym brunecie, którego imię nie zaczyna się na O, a na M. Tak, na tym się skoncentruj idiotko.
- Oliver - pokiwałam mu lekko głową z delikatnym uśmiechem - Trzeba umyć stoliki przed przyjściem klientów, może ja to zrobię a ty rozstaw na dworze krzesła i stoliki - chłopak pokiwał głową na potwierdzenie i tyle go widziałam.
Zajęłam się czyszczeniem stolików, na szczęście nie ma ich jakoś dużo. Usiadłam za barem oczekując jakiś klientów, ale dziś ruchu jakoś dużego nie było, to nawet i lepiej. Zbliżał się koniec mojej i Oliviera zmiany, zamierzałam już iść do pokoju żeby przygotować, się na spotkanie z Masonem, ale z kuchni usłyszałam jak ktoś mnie woła. Wesz lam tam i zobaczyłam przerażoną Panią Willson, która stała koło Oliviera.
- Co się stało - Spojrzałam na bruneta, który stał z poparzoną całą dłonią
- Upuściłem garnek z cholernie gorącą wodą
- Aurora proszę jedź z nim do szpitala, nikt inny nie ma wolnego
- ale...- westchnęłam - no dobrze - wzięłam kluczyki do służbowego auta i poszłam tam z chłopakiem. W szpitalu zadzwonię do Masona i powiem, że trochę się spóźnię.
Only You ** Mason Mount
FanfictionA young girl running away from her problems plus a boyfriend who is the problem is not the best solution. Rebecca has run away from her family home in Los Angeles to London, the city of her dreams, but unfortunately there are many obstacles in her w...