7 ~ Gifting

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I kissed him.

I kissed my sugar daddy. That's a little bit weird to say but that's what he is. But I like him and I'm not supposed to do that. We strictly have a relationship for enjoyment and money.

But I feel bad thinking like that. He gives me money and brings me to dinners. We had our first date. Everything felt so exciting with him.

And now I had to go home. He wanted to take me home. When I remember about home, all I can think about is if my parents catch me, I'm done.

"Did you enjoy yourself tonight?" He asked sweetly holding my hand tightly in his warm ones. His hand was so big clutching my little one.

"Yes. I liked it a lot." I responded shyly. He smiled and kissed my hand causing me to blush like red pepper.

We reached the beginning of the street where I told him to leave me. I didn't want him to drive me to my door.

"I have something for you." He said, letting my hand down and reaching behind. He took a bag from the backseat and gave it to me. I stared at the letters, Hermes. I gasped.

"I can't accept this," I said, giving him back the bag.

"Why? I thought you will like it." He said looking disappointed.

"I do like it. More than I should. But, Alessandro, it's so expensive. You should get your money back." I said. He laughed and put it back in my lap.

"I bought it for you. It's a gift which means you need to accept it without complaint." He said. I seriously didn't want to take such an expensive gift but he wouldn't let me. I knew that look.

"I'm not sure," I answered, looking at the golden bag.

"Just accept it." He said. I sighed. He won't let go of it.

"Alright. But where will I wear this? Everyone will stare at it." I said. He scoffed and turned his head on the other way. My eyebrows furrowed.

"If you detest it that much then throw it away. I don't need it." He said angrily. He must be thinking that I don't like it at all. But it was just too much for me. I never received something like it therefore I didn't know how to act.

My hand reached for his face and I turned his head around.
"I'm sorry, Sandro. I love the bag. Thank you very much." I said deciding to accept it.

"I thought you didn't like it. I didn't know which one you would like. I tried hard to find it and you must accept it." He said teasingly.

"I know. I appreciate it. I will accept it." I said.

"Come here now." He said, tapping his hand on the thigh. I blushed and made my way to his lap. He wrapped securely his arms around my waist and pulled me to his warm chest.

"You were beautiful tonight." He said as he brushed the hair strand from my face.

"You said this for the hundred times today." I giggled.

"Because I don't like to lie." He smirked. My smile fell from my face at his words. I was still lying about my age.

"Nobody likes to," I said. His eyes darkened as he smashed my lips against his. My arms found themselves around his neck as I got lost in the feeling. He was an amazing kisser.

We were kissing until I was left out of breath. My breast heaved against his chest as I lowered my forehead against his. He brought me emotions no one else did and it scared me.

"I need a favor," I said. He looked up and nodded.


The next day, I was nervous. It was the time and I had to play the best act of being confused. 

I was eating my cereals when the knock was on the door. I looked at my parents to see confused reactions on their faces too. It was rare that someone could knock on the door.

"I'll go see who it is." My dad said and went to the front door. I was hearing some cheering voice and I and my mother got up to see who it was.

"Is Milla Jones here?" The man in a suit asked.

"That's me," I said.

"Well, Miss Jones, congratulations! You won the prize for the big game that took place on September 16th." The man said as I tried to hide my smile.

"Really? Oh my God! I can't believe it." I gasped. Mom and dad looked at me with raised eyebrows.

The man put the envelope in my hands happily as I took it.
"Here is your deserved money. Congratulations once again. I hope you can put it to good use. I must take a leave now." He said.

"Thank you so much," I said, acting like I was still shocked. The man left as my dad slammed the door closed. He didn't have a very pleasing look.

"What is all this, Milla?" He asked.

"I won the prize. There was this game Marzia told me about. I didn't want to participate at first but Marzia secretly put my info. I really didn't know that I would get the money of all the kids that participated. I honestly forgot about this." I lied.

"And what are you going to do with this money? How much is there?" Mom asked.

"Well, the prize was ten thousand dollars. And I don't want this much money." I said innocently.

"That's a lot of money there. You must be careful." Dad said. They didn't even think to take the money from me as most parents do.

"I want you to take it." I blurted out handing them the envelope.

"It's your money, sweetie." Mom said.

"Mom, I didn't even put hard work into it. I got by luck. I want you to take it because I know you need it. I'm not a baby anymore. I know what's going on. Take the money and pay all the bills you need to." I said. I put the envelope in my dad's hand and kissed their cheeks. They were looking at me dumbfounded as if I didn't just say that. It will all be good now. Or so I thought.


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