10 ~ Admitting

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I wanted to explain her, but exactly what? She didn't like me at all now. But I didn't want to give up. I didn't want to give up on her. She is the first one to give me a feeling of security.

I love her.

I told her, she didn't believe me. I had a feeling we were playing cat and mouse. I wanted to finally catch her and explain who I am. But being stubborn, she refused it.

I decided to write her a letter and send it to her. Hoping she won't tear it apart.


I never wrote a letter but since it was my only option, I must do it.

I have to admit a lot of things to you. I hope you won't tear this letter before reading it. It would mean a lot to me.

I'm Alessandro Manchini. I'm twenty-one years old and my family is Italian. I'm the head of my family's mafia.

This job wasn't chosen, it was inherited. You may seem opposed to this, but not every time a job defines a person. I want you to think of that for me.

I would give my life for you if needed. Because I love you. I love you so much that it's painful when you aren't next to me. When I don't see your beautiful face.

I can't function when you aren't here. I got attached to you in this short period and you gave my dull life a new meaning. I want you to think thoroughly once more of me. Of us.

I want one more chance to prove to you that I'm not a bad person. I want to make you happy. Don't run away from me anymore. Please.

I love you.

Your Sandro

"Gustavo!" I called. He entered and closed the door.


"I need you to deliver this to Mia's house. Be careful and give this only to her." I said handing the letter to him. He nodded and exited my office.

I just hoped for the best. I hoped that she will forgive me.


"Mia, we are going grocery shopping. Do you need anything?" Mom asked.

"No thanks, mom." I smiled. I heard the door at the front as I was left alone in the house.

I laid back in my bed and curled in a ball. I took the photo that was under my pillow. It was me and Alessandro when we were having a walk on some random afternoon. It was so calm and perfect.

I miss him so much.

He made me the happiest in such a short period. It made me love him. But I was stupid and couldn't bring myself to tell him that. I was scared. He was doing illegal things and he is still doing them.

I don't want to live in fear that he will come back one day or not. His job is dangerous. I will be bringing my family in danger. I couldn't be selfish.

The bell of the front door pulled me out of my thoughts. Mom probably forgot her keys or something.

I got up and went to open the door. But at the door wasn't my mom, but a man in a black suit. Tall almost six feet.

"Hello. Who do you need?" I asked.

"Boss asked me to give you this letter." He said monotonously and handed me a piece of paper. I took it reluctantly when I realized who "the boss" is.

"Alessandro?" I asked. He nodded.

"Alright. Thank you." He bid goodbye and entered a black car before driving away.

I closed the door and opened the letter quickly. I wanted to know what did he write.

A drop of tear fell from my eye on the white piece of paper. He was honest, I could feel it. A little guilty feeling was taking over but I wanted to push it away.

He wanted to make me happy. But would I be happy with him? I was happy all this time and I feel that I should give him another chance. The things he does are illegal but does it define him? I saw a bad side of him. I need to try.


I'm sorry for the late update. But having writer's block and also having a LOT to study hasn't helped much. I know the chapter may not be long or good but I still hope you liked it.
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