chapter 5

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Rose was working at a gas station for the day when Michael appears.

"how about that rise?" he asks

"fuck it lets go" She said as they dove off. 

When they were on a hill in sunset Michael leans in and kisses her full on the lips, sparks everywhere Rose and him both loving every second of it but have to pull away for air.

"not bad" imitating Rose from their first kiss making her giggle and him smile.

"you know you don't have to act like this right, I liked you just the way you were, because no matter how you act you'll always be my Michael." Rose says softly in almost a whisper while stroking his cheek.

"so I done all this for nothing?" he playfully whined making her smirk.

"hey, I said I like you the way you are not that I don't find this hot" and with that he smirked while she shivered "uh I cant stop shivering"

"Then hold on" he responded and started to drive with her on the back.

Time skip

when they get back to the gas station they both get off and Michael hugs her from behind and kiss her head making her giggle

"I'm the one who can't stop shivering now" he says making her laugh.

"we have got company" he say in a panic seeing the pink ladies, T-birds and marauders.

"don't worry my friends and my other soulmates know who you are we just have to worry about the others" she assures him making him calm down a bit and after seeing Sirius and prongs smirk she flips them the bird making Michael chuckle as well as her other soulmates and friends.

"but go just encase Johnny tries something but when will I see this side of you again?" she asks while giving him a short kiss as he jumps on his motorcycle.

"Friday night at the talent show" he informs he smiling at the kiss and kissing her head before driving off.  

"hey what are you guys doing?" she asks while walking over to them.

"so what's the story with the creep on the bike Rose?" Johnny demands while every one else gives him weird looks. 

"what do you mean?"

"the story of the creep" he demands again.

"look Petrov no pink lady or chick of mine messes with any other man except me" he says not realising what he said.

"no chick of yours? pink lady?" both Rose and Paulette repeat at the same time while the marauders and Roses soulmates glare at him.

"why don't you ever get jealous like that over me?" Paulette asks offended.

"because I aint Jealous" he responds quickly.

"look why don't you stay out of my business Johnny" to tired to even talk to a dick like Johnny. 

"if I catch you with him one more time ill rearrange his face you hear me? he's a dead mean you hear me D.E.D" making the marauders snort but no one takes notice as Roses soulmates were glaring at Johnny for upsetting their mate and calling her his.

(the three describe Rose and don't chase the girls)  

Time skip

The marauder were sitting in a restaurant having a meal while Sirius and James were throwing things in each others mouths. And Rose sees Michael with Stephanie, knowing that he doesn't like her from a conversation they had she just smile at him and he does the same.

"you look so cute with him and the other 3" Lily says making Rose chuckle as Sirius pouts.

"Yeah but I don't want them to take our little baby Vixen they will corrupt her little innocent mind" he wales out while Vixen rolls her eyes.

"siri being around you has corrupted me and since when did I have an innocent mind?" she responds sarcastically

"oh yeah" Is all Sirius says before going back to throwing food.

Time skip

It was now the talent show opening and Rose was waiting for Michael and told her friends she would meet them which got her a teasing grin from Marlene and Dorcas.

and then she sees him but with Johnny on his tail with her soulmates he then grabs her chin and says. "Ill be back" and drives off with Johnny going after him.

"please don't do this" she asks her soulmates while they nod and Goose says.

"hop in and your friends!" as she jumps in holding Gooses waist while her friends all come out and jump on the other Bikes and Sirius grabs his one so they drive off following Johnny.

Once they reach the edge of the cliff Rose and Lilly both grab their wands and cast "Arresto Momentum" which slowed down his fall in front of everyone.

"What the hell was that!" Sharon shrieked out making everyone wince.

"well uh explain everything soon all you need to know is that he's alive" Rose informed them.

This made the T-birds sigh in relief that they didn't kill him while the Pink lady's looked at the 2 girls who showed their magic in disgust.

"what sort of freaks are you?!?" Paulette demanded making the magic users faces turn angry.

"you know this is why we never do nice things for muggles their di-" but Remus covered Sirius's mouth before he could reveal to much for now. 

"we should get going come on before were late" Dorcas informed getting on a motor cycle.

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