Plans set into Motion

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Tristain Magic Academy, on the corridors

The torches were already blown out and the guards barely patrolled this area within the school. At this late hour, light tapping could be heard in these corridors deeper within the buildings. At this late hour, a certain pinkiette made her way in the direction of the servant quarters.

"I have to do this, this... this will be the first step on my journey to become a great mage... sacrifices have to be made. It is inevitable...yes, he is just a commoner anyway and I rightfully summoned him. Maybe there was some kind of mistake with the...that clown but even he cannot refuse the simple fact that I did summon the boy. He must allow me to continue the ritual, after all it was said by the founder Brimnir himself that the summoning ritual is a holy ceremony and that the summon and it's master will have a bond until the end of their life. Why does everything I do... end in some kind of failure... no no no, don't think like this Louise, you are a Valliere, you are in no way inferior than a de Gramont or a... Zerbst! You will never surrender, because then... the others will win. Face the challenge, Louise!", the small girl mulled over her plan again and again, but in the end grew even more determined,"...and if it fails I will face the consequences of my actions as a noble."
She reached a heavy looking wooden door, opening it with great effort. A loud creak echoed through the hallways probably alerting several guard sentries.
"Oh no, I have to hurry", whispered Louise panicked as she raced along passageway, desperately trying to reach her destination.

_ _ _

Tristain Magic Academy, Roswaal's Room

Before the door was opened he heard a female voice call out:"I am coming in, Lord Roswaal." The door opened and a young maid entered the room. She wore an orderly maid outfit, her black hair and blue eyes being some of her notable features. Realizing the situation the mage was in, the girl rushed over to the desk. "My...Lord Roswaal, what happened, is everything alright?",she asked hurriedly. The Noble didn't answer her for a moment, appearing at a loss of words. Thinking the mage had a concussion from falling on the ground the girl helped him up and carried him to the large bed standing by the corner of the room. "Should I bring you a cup of water, my Lord?", she asked the confused Roswaal again. Being answered with silence again the maid tried to get help from somebody, but before she could leave the room her arm was grabbed by the jester.
"Lord Roswaal?", asked the maid confused.
"Tell me, what is your name child ?"
The maid stared back at the eyes of the mage, getting slightly uncomfortable:"My name is Lord."
Akami was deep in thought:"Why do I even try, the story has already diverged to much from the original, what could one of the side characters of the show becoming my personal maid even influence... but taking away the older style of art I have to say the girl is very beautiful.... no hell she is gorgeous." Waking up from his stupor Roswaal took the maid's hands forcefully into his and, looking her calmly in the eyes.
Siesta's mind went blank for a moment, trying to come up with a reply. Before she could do so she felt ripples somehow going through her, her hair standing up. Instinctively she stepped back.
"Oh no no no no no, what have I done. I have denied a noble, a powerful one at that, he is going to-"
Siesta was panicking. As a commoner she just disrespected a probably influential noble lord directly ensuring harsh consequences for her and maybe even her family.
"Oh, haha haha haha now that is marvelous, overwhelmingly so...mhhhhhmm it's thiiiiis opens up....endless possibilities."
Siesta just stood still, blanching and imagining the worst.
"Teeeell me dear, what do you know about magic?"
Siesta wasn't sure if she had heard the question correctly, letting out an audible "huh?".

_ _ _

Tristain Magic Academy, on the corridors

It was already past midnight as a shadow hushed by the walls, only to be seen because of the few still lit magic torches lighting the hallway. Fewer guards than usual patrolled the area, but even with the normal amount of guards, they wouldn't be able to see the intruder.

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