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(Why are you guys reading this I suck at writing)

Bros - Leon

Mini bro: So I might like Leon and need help asking him out

30% bro: YES!

Mini bro: huh?

30% bro: Mondo owes me 5 dollars

Mini bro: did you guys bet on me liking Leon?

Ultimate bro #1: Sorry

Mini bro: it's ok

Ultimate bro #2: You should just go for it Chihiro! Just tell him that's the best way to go about it!

Mini bro: Thank you, I'll invite him over. :D


(this parts gonna be out of text thing)

3rd person:

Chihiro drew in and out a deep breath and texted Leon.

Hi! Would you like to come over? :D

They immediately started worrying , maybe they should have added 'if you want to'. Chihiro didn't want Leon to feel pressured to come. Their worries were interrupted by a quick response:

Sure! I'll be right there! 8)

Chihiro breathed a sigh of relief and sat on the couch waiting.

Time skip brought by the knock off Ed Sheran

Chihiro was looking out of the window daydreaming when suddenly they heard a knock at their dorm door that was fast they thought as Chihiro opened the door

"Hey!" Leon said from the hallway.

"Hi! Come on in" Chihiro told him as they opened the door wider for him.

"What did you want me to come over for?" The red haired boy asked, now sitting on the floor
"Oh um" The short person stuttered "I wanted to ask you a question.""Oh cool! What was it?" The oblivious Leon puzzled "Um would you like to go out with me? Like on a date" Chihiro asked, deeply regretting it and thinking they just ruined a friendship. Then Leon said excitedly, "Sure!"

Time skip for about a week brought to you by the new homos

"Hey Chi?" Leon asked to his Partner. "Yeah?" Chihiro responded. They were looking out at the sunset on a bridge. "I love you." He told them. "I love you too Leon." Chihiro said, resting their head on his shoulder.


This was sweet to write! :D

Anyways this was 355 words!

Hell, but 10x gayer • A Danganronpa chatficWhere stories live. Discover now