before love came to kill us

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for a moment at least I know, you were mine...


Lisa sat in the back of the cab, staring at her girlfriend's mother's house. It would be a little harder to get past her compared to Jisoo. Lisa ground her teeth together absentmindedly. She would do it; she was aggrieved enough to do it without guilt, but she just had to take a minute to gather herself.

"Do you want me to wait outside again, ma'am?" The driver pulled Lisa's attention to him.

"No." Lisa knew since Jennie wasn't at Jisoo's, she was most definitely at her mother's. And even if she wasn't, once Jennie heard Lisa was there, she would probably turn up to stop the battle of Jennie from breaking out.

Lisa paid the driver and got out of the car. The icy air whipped at her face, but she barely felt it, her body warm from being so riled up. She marched up the steps to the door as if marching for battle, her head held high and her posture straight and steady.

When the door opened and she was met with Jennie's mother, a blanket of manifested animosity draped over them.

"Hi, Lisa. How are you?"

Lisa could see right through the fabricated small talk but decided to play along.

"I'm fine, Ms Kim. How are you?"

"I'm glad you're doing fine. I've been fine too."

Lisa held back a scoff with a hum. "Is Jennie here?" She quickly grew impatient and decided that was enough of the civilities and that it was time to cut to the chase.

"No, she's not, Lisa." Ms Kim wasn't doing very much to convince Lisa, instead, she had a distasteful look on her face, looking down on the woman in front of her. Lisa responded by simply deadpanning her.

"Don't lie to me, Ms Kim. I know that she's here," Lisa said flatly.

"I think you need to go home, Lisa." Ms Kim gave a false smile and started to close the door, but it was stopped by Lisa's hand.

"Everyone keeps telling me that, but what I need is Jennie. And I'll go home when she comes with me." Lisa steps forward but is blocked by Ms Kim. Lisa glares at her. "Move out of the way."

"I don't know exactly what happened between you and my daughter, but I do know that this isn't the first time she's turned up here in tears, but she is adamant it's the last. She absolutely adores you and you've broken her heart time and time again, so, if you think I'm just going to step aside, you've got another thing coming."

Lisa held eye contact with the woman in front of her. "Jennie!" She yelled, practically in the older woman's face, not caring that she was disrespecting her elder.

"Keep this behaviour up, Lisa, and I'll be calling the police, and Jennie will be getting a restraining order."

"You can call the police. You can call the FBI for all I care. Let's see if anyone will be able to stop me from seeing my girlfriend."

"She's not your girlfriend anymore. I think you need to accept that."

Lisa gritted her teeth and was one moment away from pushing into the house, by force if necessary, when a voice pulled them from their stare-off.

"Mum?" Jennie came down the stairs and stood behind her mother. Lisa could just about see her.

"Go back upstairs, Jennie," Ms Kim told her. "I can deal with this."

"It's okay, mum," Jennie responded with a sigh. "Let her in."

Ms Kim stared at Lisa for a few more seconds before reluctantly stepping aside. Lisa shot her a death glare before seeing that Jennie was heading back up the stairs. Lisa followed after her like a lost puppy.

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