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JJ was stood in front of the hotel mirror staring at himself, in his white suit. It might be the first time he was dressed so formally.

"Who would have thought lad, you of all people getting married before Josh," Ethan laughed loudly.

"Yeah man, what happened?" Tobi chuckled.

"I'm KSI and I fuck every living thing that can walk!" Josh muses. 

"Fuck off man!" JJ rolled his eyes playfully.

He couldn't believe that the day had finally come. All of his friends were gathered in a hotel suite in Dubai helping him get ready for their marriage ceremony. Hadiyeh had only been given two weeks to plan it, she had handed all the control off to Saeedeh and Amira. Only hoping that they wouldn't do her dirty.

"Champagne, lads?" Harry picked up the bottle that the hotel had left them, the hotel maids had come to clean up their suite since they were all at the spa.

"Go ham," JJ grinned, he and the boys had already had their bachelor party two days ago when the boys had first arrived, so he was welcome to let them drink, but he would much rather be sober on his wedding. 

"I'm happy for you," Simon put his hand on JJ's shoulder.

Saeedeh had sent over their suits this morning, the boys all in black tuxedos and JJ in white.


Two weeks ago

The last point of the list JJ had to complete was the hardest out of all of them. He had to propose. He had already bought the ring with some help from Saeedeh and Talia, he had picked out the perfect ring, sticking true to himself he had bought a platinum ring encrusted with small crystals and a large diamond rock in the middle, he couldn't wait to see the ring in Hadiyeh's hand. 

Saeedeh had agreed to help JJ plan out the date, with some help from the maids and the chef, she had arranged for their date to be in the desert, more accurately in the ruins of an old building, everyone knew that when Hadiyeh was feeling happy or sad she would revisit her childhood play area, where she remembers growing up. She had taken JJ there a few days ago, but they hadn't had much time, seeing as it was too hot during the day. 

JJ knocked on Hadiyeh's door, holding a bouquet of flowers. He had made sure to remind the florist to put an orchid in the bouquet. He had noticed she has a habit of growing orchids in her room back in London. 


Her greeting is cut short as she loses her breath, in complete and utter shock. Why was he holding flowers?

"I should have asked you earlier but, will you go on a date with me?" He grinned boyishly making Hadiyeh burst out into laughter. 

"Are you serious?" She sets outside to look past him at the corridors expecting to see a camera hidden somewhere

"Deadass serious," He nods, deadpan.

She chuckled wordlessly, "So where are we going on this special date of yours?" 

"I can't tell you," He replied, "Hey- woah woah woah- why are you still laughing?" 

"Because I can't take you seriously," She replied opening her wardrobe. "What should I wear?"

"Something cool but not enough so that you freeze," 

"Where are you taking me the north pole?" 

"Yeah, I'm taking you to see Santa," 

"Christmas was weeks ago," 

"Whatever, get changed," He pouted playfully as she disappeared into the bathroom with a cream-brown looking abaya. He truly had to physically will his jaw back into place when she stepped out of the bathroom, she looked gorgeous, he truly believed that no model could top the beauty that Hadiyeh possessed. She looked like the type of person that god spent an eternity designing, with personality attributes that could belong to angels and looks that could belong to greek-gods, she was genuinely flawless in his eyes.

"Take a picture it'll last longer," She grinned at him, a cocky smirk on her face, she had never doubted her looks and it felt nice to be appreciated every once in a while.

"You look beautiful," He awed

"Not looking too bad yourself, handsome," She chuckled breathing in the scent of the flowers he had bought her. They smelt exquisite.

She had decided not to question JJ on where they were going to instead she lay her head on his shoulder and admired the scenery outside, the sun was going down and they were moving further away from the city. 

"Are you going to take me to kill me?" She asked with a raised brow. 

"Nah, it would be a shame for the world to lose someone as pretty as you," 

"Have you been reading a dictionary, recently?" 

"Allow me," He laughed, "Can't I even compliment you?" 

"Never mind, continue, I like being worshipped," She grinned, her statement causing both of them to burst into laughter. 

When they had finally arrived, the driver let them out of the car and into the desert, her eyes glanced around and she almost fainted. There was no way. No fucking way.

Hadiyeh's eyes fell upon the ruins left from the houses of old Dubai. On the roof of one of the buildings was a table set up with candles. 

"Shall we?" 

"Yes please!" She beamed, her eyes lighting up like a child in a candy shop. She couldn't believe the amount of effort that JJ had gone into.

After their meal, they lay down on the roof using the table cloth as a picnic blanket avoiding letting the sand get into their clothes.

"I had never taken you for the romantic type," She sighs staring at the sun descending beneath the hills of sand the cool breeze of the air sweeping through her abaya and scarf.

"And I had never taken you for the wifey type," 

"Wha-" Hadiyeh's sentence was cut off by her hand slapping on her mouth in shock, JJ was kneeling on his right knee holding a velvet box in his hands.

"Marry me," 

"Is that a demand or request?" She repeated the words when he had first asked her to date him. 

They both smile at the memory, it seemed like it was yesterday staring out at the sky, asking the same question only to receive the same reply.

"A request." He opens the box revealing a beautiful diamond ring, but that's not the sight that had caught her eyes, but it was the look in his eyes, one of undying passion and love.

"Then yes, Olajide Olatunji, I would be honoured to marry you," 

He took the ring out of the box and put the ring onto her finger. 

"I love you," He rose from his knees taking her into the biggest hug that he could.

"I love you more," She whispered into his chest.

Written: 22/08/2021
Published: 28/08/2021

(A/N: two chapters to gooo!!!)

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