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Credits to the Original Author.

Warning: Lisa (G!P)


Jennie's POV

Sitting in the waiting room was torture. It felt like everyone was looking at me and everyone knew why I was there. Uncomfortable chains with a distinct smell of clean was an unfamiliar smell, I was never sick but I'd also never been to this kind of doctor.

My ex and I had met each other earlier this week at the bar near campus and he was drunk and rude. He spoke loudly to everyone we knew that he was so good in bed, and everyone should just ask Jennie because she was always dripping for him no matter what. I became a subject throughout the night, how I was always begging for it, and was always horny and that's why he broke up with me. No one wanted a slut as their girlfriend.

"Jennie Kim?!" I stood up and followed the sweet lady into the hallway and saw the door she was leading me to, "Dr. Lisa Manoban, Gynecologist" She opened the door and led me inside. The chair I have been dreading was there and my stomach clenched a bit as nervousness surfaced.

"She will be here shortly, sweetheart" she said kindly, and that made me feel slightly better. When she left and closed the door, I sat down on one of the other chairs, the normal chairs that were in front of the doctor's desk. 

My stomach was just about to flutter nervously when the door opened. And in walked this woman, probably in her late twenties, early thirties. She sat down on the other side of the desk and smiled at me. Her smile alone made me feel better... 'Wait what' i said in my head. 

"Hi there.." She looked at her papers. "Jennie. Im Dr. Manoban. How are you?" and that smile again 'UGH'. "I'm okay" i said timidly. I was usually quite the bubbly girl but not in this situation. 

"I see that it's your first time here. Can I ask what seems to be the problem, Jennie?" the way she said my name made me feel some type of way. "Just a checkup. And I have some questions..." quietly once again I murmured. 

"Of course, you may take off your clothes from the waist down and sit in the chair, is that alright?" she really is killing me with that smile. I stood up and saw her writing something down. I went closer to the 'chair' and took my shoes off, unbuttoned my jeans then slid them down along with my panties. Feeling cold and exposed I sat on the chair with my legs closed.

"Are you comfortable?" she asked and I nodded, but she hasn't looked at me yet so I murmured a yes. I followed her movements and watched as she went over by the door and put some gloves on. She then came over to me and looked me in the eyes 'those eyes'  and smiled kindly once again. She was really nice, and pretty handsome! 'get a hold of yourself Jennie' i said to myself. She was probably one of those who have a perfect family. But when i thought about it, I haven't seen any pictures of it. 'Maybe she's single'  the idea made me blush. 

"Are you ready? I am going to put my fingers inside of you, swipe around and feel for a bit, then we will send a swab check to see if you are clean, does that sound okay?" Dr. Manoban put her hands on my knees and I nodded. She gently spread my legs and put them where they were supposed to go. She then sat on the chair facing my exposed pussy, which made me a blushing mess. No one had been this close to my pussy without it being sexual. Fuck I could feel myself getting wet.

I saw her reaching for a bottle of something, looking at my vagina again and putting it back. Was that lube? Did she see that I was already wet and didn't need it? God, I was probably as red as a tomato right now.

"Okay, I'm starting now," she let me know. And her fingers spread my folds and her other hand stuck them inside of me and I swear to God I tried to not enjoy it but it was hard 'Fuck'. She did what she said she would do, she swirled around and took a swab and stuck it in me quickly and stood up and put it in a container and went to the door. "I'll be back in a second," she smiled warmly again.She left and came back seconds later literally. The door locked after him.

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