Chapter 9 You were what!?

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Glenn and Rick are going to a bar in a near by town to see if Herschel is there. Maggie said that he use to be a heavy drinker before Beth was born, but quit. They should be leaving soon. I get off the top of the RV and go to Ricks car. Him and Glenn were loading up the car.
" Hey Rick I want you to be careful out there okay. " I warned him.
" Okay mom. " He says and pats my head. I smile and wave bye to him as he gets in the car.
" Hey Glenn. " I say jumping on the back of the car.
" What's up princess. " He says, looking up at me. I lift an eyebrow and glare at him. "Princess? Yeah, don't call me that. " I say crossing my arms. He laughed " Well, wish me good luck and that word will never slip out my mouth. " He says.
" Well, I don't have to because I know you will be back. Your Glenn Rhee. You ain't gonna go nowhere. " I said with my country accent sticking out. He smiles. " True statement. " He smiled and he picks me up and brings me in a bear hug. I hug back just not as tight of course. He puts me down on the ground and knees down to my height.
" I'll be back. I promise. " He kisses my head and walks to the passenger seat. I wave as the car starts to drive off. I sigh and starts to walk off to nowhere specifically. As I was walking I bump into someone. I look up and meet the impeccable blue eyes I love. Carl.
" Sorry Alyana. " He says.
" It's fine. " I wave him off.
" Umm Maggie told me to go get you because it is time to get your stitches out. " He says, grabbing my injured palm looking at it. I forgot about my stitches. I nod my head and he walks me to the house. He led me to the room Beth is in. He stops at the door and leans on the door frame.
" You know you can wait outside. I'll find you when Maggie is done. " I tell him. He nods and walks downstairs. I turn around and see a smiling Maggie.
" What. " I asked.
" Nothing. You do know Carl really likes you. Right? " She says, pulling me into a wooden chair. I shake my head no. Maggie pulls out a small pair of scissors and tweezers out of a first aid kit.
" How is this. " I asked as she cuts the thread.
" Well, he talks about you non stop. I caught him starring at you a couple times. He always smiles when he hears or see you laughing. He always asks about you. He-" She started, but I cut her off.
" Okay, I get it, he cares about me, but none of that means he likes me. " I said.
" He likes you and you know it. " She says finishing my stitches. She pulls out some type of cream and rubs it on my palm. I got a cold chill because it was really cold.
" I like him. " I mumble. Maggie stops wrapping my hand in gauze wrap. " What. " She said with no emotion. I smile.
" I like Carl. " I say a little louder.
" Yes, we knew it. " She cheers.
" What do you mean by 'we' " I asked, putting my hands in my lap now that Maggie is finished with my hand. She presses her lips together.
" Maggie. " I demand.
" Okay, Glenn, Carol, Beth, Lori, and I all agreed that you and Carl may have a tiny crush on each other. " Maggie said.
" Maggie. " I whine throwing my arms in the air. She smiles at me.
" But we were right. " She says fist pumping the air. " About me, yes. Carl on the other hand. No. " I tell her. " I'll talk to him. " She said.
" No. " I said a little too fast. " I mean I'm going outside now to meet up with him. " I say and bolt out the door. I hear her yell " he likes you and you know it. " I roll my eyes and yell back " yeah right. "
I run outside and look around for Carl. I turn around and I'm face to face with a pair of crystal blue eyes.
" Hey Alyana. " He says as he grabs my hand examining it.
" Hi blue eyes. " I smile at him. He returns the gesture.
" What do you want to do? " He asked dropping my hand. I shrug my shoulders. " I don't like seeing you hurt. You know that right? " He asked me. I nod my head yes.
" Same for you Grimes. " I smile at him.
" You weren't here when I was shot. " He asked me.
" You were shot. " I almost yelled. " Are you alright? " I asked shocked checking his arms to see if I can find the scare. He just laughed and held my arms down.
" Yes Alyana, I'm fine. I'm fully healed. See. " He pulls up his shirt a little and I see a scare on his hip/waste. I cover my mouth and lightly rub my thumb over it.
" Did it hurt. " I asked pulling his shirt down.
" Nope getting shot was the time of my life. " He says sarcastically.
" Oh really. " I say putting my hands on my hips.
" I was kidding Alyana. " He laughed.
I smile. " I know it does. I've been shot. But it was with an arrow not a bullet. " I shrug.
" You just keep getting messed up. " He chuckled.
" I do it for a living. " I smile. He laughs witch causes me to smile. He is a very good friend. He has been threw hell and back. And he still manages to smile and laugh.
" Hello. " Carl says waving his hand in my face.
" Sorry what. " I asked.
" You know staring is rude. " He laughs. I feel my cheeks heat up. He notices and laughs even harder.
" Stop laughing at me. " I playfully smack his shoulder.
" Alright, but Carol called us for dinner. You know, while you were to busy staring at me. " He pokes my shoulder.
" Oh my gosh. " I cover my face.
" Okay I'm done. " He chuckles. " Let's go eat. " He says taking my hand. I feel a spark shoot up my arm and my stomach twist. I smile and we start to walk to the farm house.

Okay I haven't been updating because well first I was sick for like a week. I don't know what to do. I have big events planed but I need the small events. HELP!!!
~ Olivia (;

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