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my friends are my escape from reality. they help me through every problem. were somehow called the "populars" but I guess I kind of like that title. it doesn't describe who we are. we don't walk around like we're the stuff. we are just like regular people who like to have fun with each other. yes we fight, argue, and fuss at each other but that's what all friends do. there's like 5 of us and were all best friends. we have all the same classes (except connections) and we love it. I don't know what I would do without them. when we hang out outside of school, it's like the best time ever. our bonfires are the best. we have this one friend who is kind of in our group but we don't see him much. he sits with us at lunch so we get to talk to him then, but he's awesome. he helps us with all of our problems. back to us as a group, we would all die for each other. if something bad happened to one of us, we would all be there supporting one another. that's how close we are. and you would think that we have been together forever, but really we all met last year! going into middle school, I knew like 1 person in the whole entire school. we only knew each other because of our moms. i have to admit, if she wouldn't have been in my homeroom, I would have been totally scared of middle school. but my friends are a huge part in my life, and I hope they are forever.

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