Kurt's P.O.V

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There was a knock on the door, and I smiled slightly, my best friend Rachel was coming over with her daughter Barbara to watch Finn and Liz while I went to spend the night with my other best friend Mercedes and her husband Sam. it would be a nice break since Finn and Liz were 5 months old and were still keeping me up all night. 

"thank you for doing this Rach," I said opening the door to reveal the brunette her and Barbara's bag slung over her one shoulder and 11-month-old Barbara on her other hip. "it's no problem, Kurt, you know I'd do anything for my best gays," she said, I just rolled my eyes at the old high school nickname Rachel had for Blaine and I. "presides Jesse's having some of his old Vocal Adrenaline friends over and well, I still don't like them that much," she added. 

"well thank you anyway. Finn just ate, Liz will probably need to be fed in about an hour. they need to be in bed by 8. I shouldn't be gone any later than 1 pm tomorrow unless I get the dreaded call," I said knocking on the wooden door frame. "you won't get the call and have fun at Sam and Mercedes's, now shew, go have fun" she said shuffling me out of the apartment, "ok ok, I'm going have fun with MY kids," I jokingly said while kissing Finn and Liz on the head. 

I left soon after and arrived at Sam and Mercedes's house in about 15 minutes since Blaine and I lived in inner-city New York and they lived in the suburbs of Brooklyn. I got my suitcase from the back of my car and went up and knocked on the door. 

Sam soon opened the door, "Kurt! thanks for coming," he said giving me a side hug. "thanks for having me Sammy, is Mercedes home?" I asked. "no actually, she just left to get some manicure kits for you two or something like that," he said. 

damn, I realized I had amazing friends, before Sophomore year, I didn't have anyone, by Junior year I had friends, a Step-mother and a step-brother. now when I need people most, I have the most amazing friend group ever. I really am one lucky son of a bitch

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