Kurt's P.O.V

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Mercedes and I were having a soak in her hot tub. it was around 1 or 2 am actually, but we were probably a little milk drunk since we both weren't big drinkers and always drank milk from wine glasses (an old tradition from our Friday night sleepover days in high school). 

"So when do you think Blaine will be coming home?" Mercedes asked. "I don't know, I'm hoping before Finn and Liz turn 1," I sighed. "he will Kurt, I know it," she said. that's when my phone rang. I excused myself and stood at the other end of the deck while I was on the phone. 

"Hello, This is Kurt AnderHummel," I said. "Hi Mr. AnderHummel, this is Sgt. Wilson from the US army," a young man said. "this is regarding your husband Lt. Blaine AnderHummel," he said. "yes, is he ok?" I asked getting concerned, I had been dreading this call, hoping I would never get it since the day Blaine left the first time, though then, we were barely 18 and had only been married a year (yep, we got married at 17 years old). "I'm sorry to inform you that Lt. AnderHummel stepped on a land mine yesterday, he has been rushed to a hospital in Germany and then will be taken to a VA hospital in Los Angeles California, you can meet him there," Sgt. Wilson said. 

I felt my knees buckle beneath me, what the Hell, how the heck did this happen, he promised me he could spot land mines easily. I hung up the phone just as I passed out. waking up a few hours later on Sam and Mercedes couch, "what the heck happened Kurt?" Mercedes asked concerned. "Bl-Blaine st-stepped on a land mine," I said. I wanted to cry but I couldn't, I felt numb everywhere, "oh my god Kurt, I'm so sorry, we're here for you," she said wrapping her arms around me. 

"I need to get home," I said turning to get off the couch but Sam stopped me, "bro, you are in no condition to drive. Cedes and I will drive you," he said. I just nodded. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2021 ⏰

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