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recap: ..Melody held me so tight like a bat, real quick she needed it badly and we started it (praying😋)...then we heard someone knocking at the door...😨😨...GUESS WHO???? JEFFERY !!!!(Melody's brother) (my room mate)...

So guys hope you enjoyed the previous chapter...Now this is the case at hand! Who is knocking  at the door? 🙆‍♂️ Is this Jeffery? or someone else? well we don't know🤷‍♀️... okay lets see if this is going to be my end or I can find a narrow  space to escape ...

Okay so after I  heard someone knocking, I quickly dressed up and rushed to the door.. I stood in front of the door for some seconds, feeling nervous because I taught I was finished if Jeffery opens and comes to find out am with his sister🙆‍♂️🥵 because he had already told me he will be visiting his sister that day at 3pm , I checked my time and realized it was 3:11pm (Ho! Gosh he's the one) .... In fact all of a sudden  I practically forgot how to breathe... meanwhile Melody was also on the bed quivering, oscillating and sweating like a Chelsea striker...I heard her saying "Lord Jesus! Lord Jesus! "quietly ..I decided to laugh but hey! this was a serious case... I then gathered full confidence and Vigor, opened the door just to see this tall, dark muscled electrician asking if there is any problem with the electrical gadgets..🤦‍♂️🤣 ..He said he is used to going room by room every month to check if there were any electrical faults in the students room(he is the hall electrician though🥱)...Ah!  so this man stopped the smooth operation of these two biological homo sapiens performing a chemical experiment😥..WTF!( chale e tear my eyes top kraa😞)..wasting no time I told Melody I wanted to leave because our shine blocker(Jeffery) can be there any moment from now...Quickly I exited😪🚶‍♂️...

From that day , we talked on a regular basis till vacation was near...hopefully we were through with our end of semester examinations, In fact I didn't write anything in the exams because I'd missed a lot of lectures in the semester but still we meuve🥱 (not everyone was born to pass exams🥱😁).... So the next day I decided to leave campus. I packed my things, But before that I went to meet Melody  and gave her a last shot for the vacations😎🥵....I promised to visit her though (she stays at Tema comm.4)...    Bye! I said 🚶‍♂️and real quick moved to my hall (best hall in  Ghana😜🙌) for my accoutrements

While I waited for my uncle in front of my hall to come pick me, I turned left just to see this foxy good looking light skin girl with an angel appearance😍😱😱...OMG!!😋..this is indeed a contemporal Ghanaian girl with a mélange of true African values coupled with intricacies of modernity ....At that moment even if a housefly entered my nose I wouldn't have noticed because my concentration was all based on this hot dish👩‍🦰..okay so fast forward I arranged myself properly, congregated all confidence and moved straight to her(my drip was so high by then😎😉)... "Hey! Pretty you look so stunning, Your most attractive feature is your kindness, I guess you make  a better person", I said...she smiled at me and said 'Thank you' in a soft voice. I told her my name was Tello and she said she was Sheena. A nice name indeed😙..she kept on smiling incessantly.. Ah well🤷‍♀️ I told her I like the way her nose crinkles when she smile... She burst into laughter and told me I would be fun to be with..😜🥰... herr! that compliment alone made me feel I had upper hand😉 (if you know you know😋)..subsequently, we exchanged numbers(mission👅) and I asked her where she was heading to...In reply to my question, she was waiting for Dad to come pick her up... In the course of time, her dad finally arrived to pick her up...I even helped her pack her things into the car😪..but before she left she gave me a tight hug👩🏿‍🤝‍🧑🏿 then Vroom!🚘 she left (Oops! I forgot to ask her where she stays🤦‍♂️..ok I have her number👌)..Eventually, my Uncle arrived and I also departed🚗..... 

The day I got home, all I did was to eat and sleep in fact I was very tired🤦‍♂️...The next day I woke up early, took my bath and wore some new clothes then Boom!🏃‍♂️ i went to see my paddies; Elvis (alias Dremo)  and Jay Bee .. (herr some two fucking playboys bi oo👹)..By then they'd also vacated so chale we started vibing , laughing and sharing campus experiences cos it's been quite long.. I fuckingly miss them though.. throughout the expanse of the conversation, Jay Bee seemed to be consternated, at some point felt unconscious but I wondered why he reacted that way because I know him to be active every time. Oh charlie slow🤦‍♂️...with dispatch, I asked what was bothering him because it seemed he was trying to hide something from me but Hey! we are all boys and we share our moves and problems among ourselves ..okay so fast forward Elvis spilled out the beans that Jay Bee had implanted a foetus in the womb of someone's daughter 🙆‍♂️🙆‍♂️ YIE! YIE!🥵🤣 (abusua cocoa😂)...Elvis knew about this because he was in the same school with Jay bee..(Legon👌)...  WHAT DO WE DO? WHAT CAN I SAY? ABORTION?🤷‍♀️🥵..hmmm I asked why he didn't use  protection? ..He kept mute with his head down feeling all embarrassed and abashed🤦‍♂️....Hey ! this not being the only situation at hand, Elvis also had his to say ..okay so the last week before leaving campus, he said he had an affair with this girl who seemed to have slept with about 75% of boys on campus and outside ..with which after three days he started experiencing some symptoms which happened to be gonorrhoea after a medical check up..Eii😨🥵 ( ma boys be doing the most)..... oh okay so they didn't take the 'bro code' rules we made before entering was stated in the 15th rule that "NO PROTECTION,NO CHOP" (NPNC)... Mmm...I stood there deathly quiet for some few seconds😪 and gingered them with some  words to see what to do next ....👊



                                       Okay guys so Elvis has now been infected with gonorrhoea and  Jay Bee is now on the road to fatherhood as a result of unprotected sex but he could have abstained too (like me..🥱😜).... but Hey ! Let's get educated too..... speaking on safe sex yet still abstinence, 'Safe sex' is sexual contact that doesn't involve the exchange of semen, vaginal fluids or blood between partners. If used correctly, condoms can dramatically reduce the risk of most sexually transmissible infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancy. Having regular STI screening and reducing the number of sexual partners also reduces the transmission risk of STIs.......👌😎

         Thank y'all for reading this chapter ....guess you enjoyed😎😎...

                                          let's see what happens in chapter three🏃‍♂️🏃‍♂️

edited by : PEKA_Jnr

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