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Chapter three//Empowerment
Finally arriving at their Ship, they laid Omega down against Hunter's bunk Situated at the bottom.
"Tech," Hunter Spoke, his attempts to keep seething anger away from his voice to keep Omega calm. "Grab the Medikit and I want us in the air - it's too dangerous to stay here right now." He gently ran his fingers through Omega's hair in a soothing manner before examining the cut on her cheek - nothing that a Simple Patch of bacta couldn't fix but the cut on her arm resembled a different story entirely. Echo gave one last gaze before moving to man the Ship, ensuring they were leaving the planet as quickly as they had arrived. Roaming lost in space was Safer then allowing bounty hunters to stalk them at planets they recently visited.

"I'm Sorry." Omega spoke, rubbing her eyes before wincing at the sting on her cheese as teardrops collided with it. "I should have said sooner I didn't realize." Crosshair and the others realized her breathing had become more erratic, beginning to practically suffocate her.
"It isn't your fault, they could have been anyone." Crosshair spoke, a little further away then the others due to his darker emotions overtaking him. How could they wish death on such an innocent Child? Tech soon returned with the Medikit, moving the others out of the way and gazing at her arm.
"Miss Omega, I need to tend to this wound. Can you relax for me?" His gentle voice Spoke, drowning in concern as he gestured to her arm. A softer nod came from his little sister as she hid against her other arm, softer choked sobs leaving her as she did her best to hide them. The sound broke her big brother's hearts as Tech nodded toward Wrecker who instantly knew what he meant, rushing away only to return with Lula and her clone doll, placing them within her arms for some sort of comfort. Tech continued to examine the gash, sterilising it which caused some more tears and guilt to rip through him. "You're doing so well, Ad'Ika." His own choked voice spoke, still attempting to remain professionally. Hunter was hovering over Omega, attempting to soothe her with his fingers through her hair as the others stood around her unsure of how to help. Echo sighed a little as he walked back in.

"We're away from the planet." He spoke, professionalism coating his voice as he saw Omegas face filled with pain and upset. "You're doing well Omega." He attempted a small smile before watching Tech bandage up the wound ensuring it would heal correctly.
"Almost there." He reassured, tightening the bandage accompanied by a gentle sob from her smaller body. "Here... All done. Can I see your cheek?" Tech questioned, gazing at her with warm eyes as she turned to face him.
"O...okay." She spoke, gently trying to sit up before Hunter lifted her in his arms, keeping her safe against his chest. "It stings."
"I know, it will do." Softly he applied some bacta strips to her cheek, smiling as he did so. "It'll sting a little longer but it'll stop before you know it." She returned the favour with a soft nod, reaching her good arm toward tech softly holding him.
"th'nk you." Omega mumbled much to techs sorrow and glee. Wrecker gazed over at their little sister hidden in Hunter's arms once she let go of Tech - silent vows coming from him where he would take down every last bounty hunter known to man to protect her, to avenge her.
"Come on, let's get you to bed alright? You'll heal quicker." Hunter shushed, her grip tightening.
"No!" She replied, sweating and shaking a little at the request that seemed way too hard to do. "Don't leave me. I want to stay with you!" They all shared a knowing gaze before they all Sat together at the cockpit, Omega Still held against his chest.
"We won't leave, he spoke gently as she began to doze off, "We're here."

They allowed some time to pass before Wrecker spoke, keeping his voice hushed.
"Why does the Empire want her?"
"Because she holds the DNA they want, remember?" Echo grumbled, his head in his hands with stress easily consuming his body. "They couldn't care less about her existence - they just want to carry out tests dead or alive." Turning his head to face Tech who was rapidly typing into his data pad.
"It's my fault this happened." Tech spoke, voice strained by worry. "I noticed a surge of bounty hunters among the chatter but I didn't think it concerned us. She already has two top-class hunters after her!" The batch Stared at him, unknowing to these current emotions. "It doesn't make Sense!" His voice was raised, typing more into his datapad - a soft hand being placed upon his shoulder within an attempt to calm him,
"This isn't your fault, Tech." He paused for a moment, gazing at Tech's lost and angry expression. "None of us know what's going on." Hunter spoke, gently moving his datapad away and placing a Sleeping Omega into his arms who instantly clinged to her brother, still in a deep slumber.
"Hunter I'm not in the right frame of mind to hold her - She could have gotten killed!"
"Just give it a moment." Came his reply, gesturing toward her hands holding onto his armour. "You and Wrecker kept her alive until backup arrived. She needs her big brother right now." Tech just Sighed before gazing at her against him finally safe and sound. Instantaneous waves of Calm flooded his body as he held her, keeping her against him to protect her from anything and everything. "Could you two keep an eye on her whilst we go and Sort the supplies out?" A nod confirmed their 'Silent' yes, Wrecker now taking control of the ship.
"We didn't manage to get any supplies for the ship because of, uhm - everything that happened." Tech shed away from everybody's gaze, still feeling on edge from previous events, She shouldn't be on a battlefield! Ord Mantell City was supposed to be their safeplace but they doubted they could return unless it was in twos. They could always sort something out eventually through some Strategists -a skill Omega was Well trained in. Omega was created at the time with knowledge that She'd never leave Kamino, it's no wonder that she was so curious and it explained why her wounds didn't heal as rapidly as theirs. She was trained to be a healer, not to be injured.
"That's fine." Hunter replied, Moving away with Echo and Crosshair whose eyes were glued on their little sister. "We'll figure Something out." With that, the brothers left to the back of the Ship leaving Wrecker, Tech and an injured Omega to relax for a while as it was well needed and most certainly well earned.

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