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Chapter 6. Medic. 

A large amount of time and rest had passed throughout the ship along with a large conversation that was hosted by the brothers about Omega's apparent force abilities. They had all simultaneously agreed to try and test this out whilst Tech tinkered with AZI in the back during the early hours of the morning. 

"Any luck?" Crosshair spoke, staring at Tech who had laid himself against the floor who was currently fiddling with several wires that fell from the droid Omega adored so much. 

"Some." He mumbled in response, "I'll be able to access hidden records with a little more time but to fully awaken him I'm going to need weeks." Wrecker soon turned toward the conversation, a little worried about what they  may find in her hidden records. He knew they had no choice and Omega was fine with it but still - he wasn't looking forward to finding out how they experimented on her.

"Will you be getting that info today?" He asked, Crosshair turning to him with a sigh. Truth be told, they were all worried. Tech grinned as an excited 'aha!' left his lips, standing in the process. 

"Yes." He confirmed as a blue hologram filled with various loads of writing and numbers appeared before them. "Hunter, Echo - You're going to want to see this." The other two brothers approached, all simultaneously crowding over the droid. Tech browsed through muttering the words under his breath.

"What's it talking about?" Wrecker exclaimed, a little Impatient but almost too afraid to ask. Tech typed a little something before turning to face his brothers.

"She is force - sensitive and they know it worked." Tech took a breath in, "They lied to her and said it didn't work because the force became too powerful with her - they were afraid and kept testing on her. The misery she kept going through kept her from connecting with the force as she had to have a relaxed state of mind and they never allowed that to happen. However, now she's with us the force has finally been re-connecting with her and what happened yesterday was it finally making itself known to her." His rant finally ended as her brothers shared various shocked and even confused ones.

"She's a jedi?" Echo questioned, rubbing his head. Nothing was ever Simple for this small family but they wouldn't have it any other way.

"No." Tech scrolled through the text a little more, "The force didn't come to her naturally, she brought it to herself - well Kamino did. This results in her just being a force user, not a jedi." They all just remained in Silence whilst Echo re-lived all of the moments he spent along jedi. 

"Won't she need appropriate training?" His question made Hunter sigh a little.

"None of us are exactly qualified to train her with the force."  He drew a sharp breath inward as he ran his finger tips through his strands of longer hair. "Blasters are no Problem, but the force?" He just shook his head as Wrecker piped up.

"Does she even need training?" Tech growled in anger as the screen ALI was displaying suddenly sparked and cut out rather drastically, flinching a little at the light. 

"Damn droids." Grabbing his data pad he hummed as he typed a little more, rapidly tapping at the screen with a sigh, grateful that he backed up the medical records onto his datapad prior to it working. "Omega will need to be provided with some sort of training to control it, otherwise she may fall toward what they refer to as the 'dark side of the force.' This means she may end up with the Empire if fuelled by anger."

"The Empire?" Hunter snarled at Tech, "How could you even suggest that she would betray us like that?"

"You thought I did." Crosshair interjected with a glare, his arms crossed whilst chewing against his toothpick. 

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