Chapter 7

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As soon as newt walks back to the homestead me and Thomas get up and start running towards the maze. We took a turn and then we looked at eachother. We were both smiling. Laughing. We were happ-

"What are you two doing here?"

Well that happiness didn't last long

"Oh Minho we were uh. Exploring" Thomas said

He is such a bad liar.

"Uh huh yeah. Well you guys aren't supposed to be in the maze." He says as he looks at my big backpack that I'm holding. He looks at me in the eyes with a concerned look.

"That's it? You were gonna run weren't you?"

"Minho" he Interrupts me

"You were gonna run and that's it? Where you gonna go?!" He says almost yelling. I look down not wanting to look him in the eye. He does the same.

He walks closer to us and grabs up by the arm. I look at Thomas but he doesn't look back.

Don't fight it. We will come back later.

I nod my head. We arrive at the glade and all the gladers are up and doing their job until they see Minho dragging me and Thomas out of the maze.
Newt runs up to us.

"You guys were in the maze?"

"They tried to runaway. Put them in the pit and go get alby. We're gonna have a meeting."

Newts eyes widen and he turns to me to see if he was right. He was. I didn't want to admit it though.

I look at Minho then look back down.

"And I thought all those story's about running away with their lover was fake" he scoffs then walks away. My eyes widen at what he said.

Did he think me and Thomas were lovers? Was he jealous? No that doesn't matter.

Welp here we are. It's been about 289382 hours in the pit? I'm not sure but it's night time so. Me and Thomas were just talking about our plan to run when we get out. We can go when the doors close.

"Hey." Newt says crouching down with Minho next to him doing the same.

"Hey.." I say not looking at them

As you can tell I'm trying to avoid eye contact.

"So we had our meeting, And we will let you out in a week and no food for 3 days. No water for 1." Newt says.


"We will only let you out if you promise not to do it again. Even if you are" Minho coughs "lovers"

Don't tell him the truth just don't say anything

I look down.

"Okay. Bye." I say wanting them to leave but they don't. I look up and see disappointment written all over their face. They waited for me to promise I won't go back. I just put my head down.

They nodded their heads and then left. Me and Thomas look at eachother. He nods. I turn to face my hand that has a ring. I started playing with it until something came out.

My eyes widen as i try to get a closer look. It had a small knife in it.I cut the string that kept us locked in here and boom. It opened.

I grab our bags that were outside of the pit and we start running.

"Wait stop!" I hear a voice behind us say

It was Newt. I ignored it. I don't want to see his face. We step into the maze and everyone is shouting for us to come back but we just keep walking further.

Minho grabs my arm. He followed us into the maze.

"Minho let go! I'm leaving! You can't stop me."

"Just come back Ace. Please?"

That name.

"No! Now leave before you get stuck in here!"

He doesn't move and just looks in my eyes
I need to say something for him to leave. Why do I care? I hate him? No that wasn't a question. I hate him.

"Leave. I rather die then be stuck in here with you."

His eyes go wide and he lets go of my arm.

"Was that to mean?"

"No he wouldn't leave if it wasn't"

Woah I just talked to Thomas how did I do that?

"I'm not dying for you." He says basically saying he won't run after me.

"I'm not dying for you either." I say back

I snap back into reality by him scoffing

"Fine go into the maze. I don't care what happens to you." He says and walks off. Right when he gets into the glade to doors start closing .

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