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It was a sunny Saturday afternoon, probably the last free day they'd get while the sun would be shining.

The five of them sat by the lake, soaking up the last rays of sun they'd get before autumn would hit them completely.

"It's too hot, I can't do this," Quackity whined, leaning backwards until his back collided with the ground.

"Take that stupid beanie off then, idiot, or you could get a stroke," Dream scolded, reaching over to slap the ravenettes head. "You could pass out."

"Aw, looking out for each other, are you?" George said, running his fingers through Dream's hair whose head was laying in his lap.

"No, I hate him," Dream said, earning a kick in the leg from Quackity.

"You two are idiots," Sapnap laughed.

Karl giggled, lacing his fingers with Sapnap's over the shorter male's shoulder.

Sapnap was lying between Karl's legs, one of the brunette's arms hanging over his shoulder and his head resting on top of the shorter's.

"I'm not taking my beanie off," Quackity said, pulling the beanie over his eyes. "No way, never."

"Should we go into the lake?" Sapnap asked all of a sudden, breaking the short time of silence they had going on.

"I'm in," Dream said, turning his head to look over at Sapnap with a smirk.

"Me too!" Quackity said, raising his hand and pointing it to the sky.

"You don't have any swimsuits," Karl pointed out. "What are you going to wear then?"

"Our boxers, duh," Sapnap said, letting go of Karl's hand and getting ready to stand up.

George scrunched his face up and furrowed his eyebrows, glancing over at Karl who shrugged. It was like they were talking to each other through looks.

Sapnap, Quackity and Dream stood up, taking a few steps closer to the water.

"It's disgusting, remember that, guys," George pointed out, earning a nod from Karl.

"I don't care," Dream said with a smirk before kicking his shoes off and pulling his shirt off, keeping eye contact with George the whole time.

George rolled his eyes playfully, looking over at Karl who sat opposite him as the three others ran to the edge and jumped into the water.

"It's freezing!" Dream shrieked as they all erupted into giggles.


George sat alone at the ravenclaw table, eating his dinner in peace with the other people in his house talking and laughing loudly beside him.

"Ay, Georgie!"

George raised his head up slowly, met with the sight of the whole quidditch team looking at him.

"Uh, yeah?" he answered nervously, not really sure why the whole team was staring at him.

"You're coming to cheer us on tomorrow, right?" Wilbur asked, leaning forward on the table to get a better view of him.

"Yeah," George confirmed, still heavily confused about what was going on. "Why?"

"Oh, we're so lucky to have a pretty boy like you cheer us on, Georgie," one of the year seven's said, earning laughs from his teammates.

George raised an eyebrow at the boy. "I don't know, man, that's kind of gay."

"Shut up, nerd, no one asked for your opinion," one of the guys known as Daniel spat at him.

"Alright, asshole," George muttered, putting his attention back to his plate.

He felt intense stares from all directions, as well as from the teachers as if this loud behaviour wasn't normal.

Well, for George it was.

For some reason people always found something to nit pick him about, probably just because they were insecure about themselves.

He knew that he wasn't bad looking himself, he could definitely say otherwise about some of the other people at this school.

He hurried to finish his dinner, and once he finished other people were already leaving the hall, so he didn't hesitate to get out as soon as possible.

If he hadn't, the quidditch guys would've definitely taunted him more and went even further, so why not leave before they would cause further trouble?

As he was about to walk around the corner to go to his house, he felt a tug on his hand, pulling him around the corner and pinning him against the wall.

George's eyes widened in shock, hoping that it hadn't been one of his housemates.

His eyes gazed up, warming up at the sight of the blonde boy that some people would definitely say he had the hots for.

I don't know, man, that's kinda gay too.

"Oh," George chuckled. "Hi."

"Are you okay? Just wanted to check up on you," Dream said and let go of George in case he was making him uncomfortable.

"I'm good, thanks," George assured.

Dream nodded, the two slipping into a small period of awkward silence.

"I, uh," Dream mumbled. "Are you busy tomorrow?"

"There's the quidditch game but otherwise I'm free," George said. "Unless I promised Karl to do something, which I'm pretty sure I didn't. I think I would remember it."

Dream hummed with a nod, his eyes glued to the floor as he dug the front of his shoe into it.

"Why? What are you thinking?" George asked.

"Oh, nothing," Dream brushed off. "Just wondering if you wanted to hang out or something afterwards."

"Sure! Of course," George said with a warm smile. "Uh, we'll talk tomorrow morning, alright?"

"Okay," Dream said with a small smile before George pecked his lips and left him alone in the hallway.

He weighed his options before sighing and turned around, jogging up to the brunette.

"I'll walk you to your house! It's the least I could do," Dream said, earning a soft scoff from George. "Come on."

"Alright, I'll let you," George said.

As they walked further down the corridors their voices got more faded to the person that had stood there, just around the corner as the two had been, listening in on them.

Their happy and cheerful voices, carefully laced with small amounts of love faded out to the person, causing them to feel as if they had just been stabbed in the heart.

They wanted to make him feel this way.

This was unfair, he didn't deserve the other after what he had put him through, he belonged to them.

He would be theirs.

Word count: 1038

Just in a silly goofy mood and it appears to be endless

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