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"George! Come downstairs, we're leaving in a bit!"

The boy sighed, marking where he was in his book by putting a small note between the pages.

He grabbed a sweater from his closet before hurrying downstairs, putting the sweater on hurriedly as his mother stood by the open front door.

She watched impatiently as he tied his boots on, throwing his coat on before walking out of the door, Eleanor walking out behind him.

"Took you long enough," Robert teased, nudging George's shoulder.

George huffed, staring straight ahead as they walked the way to Dream's house.

"Why did we have to go to their house?" George asked. "Why couldn't they come to ours?"

Eleanor rolled her eyes. "They probably have more space in their house—having two kids and all."

"They live in the same house, mum, you know that," George said. "It's smaller than ours."

"Whatever, George. It doesn't matter," Robert sighed.

"It's less of a struggle to get us three over there then to have four more  people at ours," Eleanor said.

George opened his mouth to say something, his father sending him a stern glare which shut him up.

Eleanor knocked on the front door of the house that Dream's family lived in, the blonde's mother answering the door after a second.

"Evening, you all, glad to see you!" Dream's mother greeted them, leaning into a hug with Eleanor. "Come in."

She stepped aside, George giving her a kind smile as he stepped inside.

"Clay's in his room," Dream's mother said, winking quite unsubtly at the boy.

George nodded awkwardly, getting his coat and shoes off and walking off to the blonde boys room.

He knocked on the door carefully so he wouldn't accidentally walk in on Dream doing... something.

"Come in," Dream called, George pushing the door handle down. "Oh, it's you."

"Why'd you say it like that?" George chuckled, closing the door and climbing onto the bed next to the taller.

"I was expecting my mom," Dream explained, shutting the book he was reading and putting it onto his nightstand. "But you're better."

"I'm flattered," George joked. "How are you?"

"I'm good," Dream mumbled, adjusting his position so he was lying down with his head on his pillow. "Really bored, mainly."

"Same," George replied in a chuckle, sinking into the mattress. "Merry Christmas, by the way."

"You too," Dream said, snaking his arm around George's shoulders. "I don't want to go back to school."

The brunette chuckled, brushing his hand through the blonde strands of hair.

"You can chill out, there's like a week and half until," George said, placing a gentle peck on Dream's forehead.

"Boys! Dinner!"

Dream groaned, sitting up lazily while George got off the bed, opening the door for the two of them.

They sat down by the table, taking the last two seats next to each other since everyone else was already seated.

The blonde sat between his dad and George, George's father sitting on the edge of the table next to his son and Eleanor next to her, then Dream's mother and sister.

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