Episode-0 (Prologue)

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-"How many bullets are in this gun?"

-"3, 3 bullets, sir...", a member of the   Balthuman Family replied.
-"Sir, please, let me kill this punk off!", another member said.

-"Why are you doing this with me, Rosell? I already told you that I will pay you back! Why are you trying to kill me???", a middle-aged man with a trembling voice said.

-"It's because you deserve it, you fu*king a$$hole!", Rosell Balthuman replied.
-"Sir, I think we should hurry up and kill him. Please let me shoot him."
-"No, Rogers. I have someone special who will do this job.", Rosell replied.

Rogers noticed a teenage boy was standing at the corner of the darkroom.

Rosell said, "Come on, take the gun."
-"What?" The boy was surprised.
-"I told you, I have a gift for you." Rosell smiled.
-"How can I..."
-"Hold the gun. There are 3 bullets. Shoot the first 2 bullets on his leg. And the last bullet should go through his heart."

-"Sir, I don't think this is a good idea.", a member said.
-"Why? This boy knows how to shoot.", said Rosell.
-"But, he is hesitating. He can't kill him."

-"No, I will kill him."
The boy said this with a bold voice.

-"Bravo! Go ahead."
-"No, please don't kill me, Rosell."
-"Wait...you should talk with your wife for the last time." Rosell said. "Call her".

-"Hello? Honey!! Where are you? It's midnight already. She can't cut the cake without her dad. Come quickly."
-"Honey, I- I love you. Tell her Happy Birthday from me & please tell her that I love her very much. I..."

-"Shoot on 3."

-"You are better than I thought, kid. Everyone, let's go. And yeah, Rogers, please take care of this dead body."

Rosell looked very happy.
-"I told you, kid. This is the most amazing and useful gift that anyone can give you. Starting from now, all of your fears will be gone and will never come back."

Everyone left with Rosell.

There were only two people in the darkness. Sorry, One. That man was already dead. But, that day, two people died.

That man died physically.
And that man's murderer, that boy, his soul also died with the man that night.

Rosell was right that night. That boy never felt any kind of fear after that day. But, that day, his feelings were also disappeared.

Alan has no feelings for anyone or anything.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2021 ⏰

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