The First Day

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A/N Thank you guys so much for 100 reads it means so much to me that you guys are enjoying the story! Feel free to leave comments i love reading them, constructive feed back and things like that are greatly appreciated, if you think a certain song could fit somewhere feel free let me know i'll see how i can make it! Enjoy!

As Simon, Kate, Josh, Deena and now Sam walked out of the dunkin donuts the group went to their separate cars to get ready for the day.

"So Sam, What type of music do you like? Ill give you the aux but you better not play something awful." Deena said still trying to get to know the mysterious girl that now sat in her front seat.

*Sofia by Clairo*

Sam grabs the aux out of Deenas hand and puts on her spotify, praying that it gives her what Deena deemed as good. She looks up to the girl sitting left, just now noticing that she is slightly taller than her.

Deena looks back at her, still deciding if she liked Sams music choice. She ultimately decided that she liked it as they pulled out of the DD parking lot for 2 reasons, one because she was pretty sure that sam was trying to say that she was a lesbian and that there was still audible guitar and drums and none of the new synth shit. Deena checked her rear view mirror to make sure Josh is ok. He is looking down at his phone and he is probably on discord, Deena ultimately assumes looking back at the taller girl next to her. She is moving along with the music and quite clearly still half asleep.

"So Sam, what made you get into cheerleading?" Deena asks breaking the silence that has since settled. Sam looks over from her spot of leaning on the door. A look of sadness clouds the girls eyes as she prepares to answer.

"It's my moms thing. in 8th grade when i came out to her she said that being gay was "unnatural and that i had to do cheer to make me more 'feminine' I never understood it but i just went along with it because at least i didn't get disowned." Sam said. Deena could tell that her relationship with her mother was something that Sam missed. After everything that happened with her dad she began to be able to really read people and in Sam's scenario it she just wanted her mom back. Deena looks over at Sam, empathy written all over her face. Sam was just so vulnerable with her so she felt like she needed to comfort the blonde girl.

"If you ever need a place to stay or just to talk, you have my number so feel free to call me. I know what it feels like to have an absent parent so really if you ever need anything, no matter how small im here for you." Deena says still looking in the blonde girls eyes, totally forgetting to announce that they were at school. Josh was already out of the car and on his way into the school. The tension between the 2 girls was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Deenas palms are sweating as she watches the blonde girl lean into her.

A/N So this is really short because school has been kicking my ass. So here is the shortest chapter ever but it's something. Anyways it was my birthday yesterday so i can legally drive 😫

Headphones |Sam & Deena: Fear Street|Where stories live. Discover now