School pt 1

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Heyyyyyyyyyyyy, how yall doinnnnnnnnnnnnn. so ummmm ive had a bit of writers block and some school and health problems (also idenity crisis 400055) but im back and alive and i am just giong to write and hope that everything goes well. also do yall actually listen to the songs cause if ot thats totally fine with me just gotta tell me.

Anywaysssssssss enjoyyy :D

Deena kept her eyes on the blonde girl leaning closer to her. her brother had already left so she just got lost in her sky blue eyes. Her instinct brought her closer to the girl, still looking at her eyes but also flicking her brown eyes down to her lips every little second. she reached out to pull the taller girl closer to her, grabbing right under her jawline. They were so close that they could feel each other's irregular breathing patterns.

*Knock Knock Kock*

"Hey horny assholes classes are about to start" Simon yells loud enough that the girls can hear it in the car. Deena snaps out of her trance and flips the bird to her best friend. She awkwardly gathers her stuff and opens her car door.

"Hey" Sam says, looking at her just as embarrassed and awkward as Deena was. "I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, I just thanked you for driving me." Deena lightens up a bit and relaxes in Sam's death grip.

"As much as I would love to stay and finish what we just started, both you and I need to get to class. I'm sure Kate will not be happy if you miss cheer." Deena gets out of the car and winks at Sam, who is still utterly frozen in shock.

*Zitti E Buoni by Månskin*

Deena pulls her headphones out and plugs them into her phone, putting on her music that just drowned's everyone else out. She looks at the halls of couples making out and just keeps her hand in her pockets and walks to her class. The band had always been easy to her and she never really had to try. Luckily for her it was the first day so she didn't have much to worry about when it came to talking to people, except maybe a text from Sam but that's not too much of a worry. She sat down in the back of the room waiting for her teacher to walk in, still jamming out silently to her music.

"Welcome back Shadyside Witches!" Fills her ears through her earbuds. all around her class half asleep head hurts up in half fear and half excitement. Deena however couldn't care less, she was just awaiting a text from a certain blonde girl. She took out her phone and began going through her unopened snaps and messages until she found a particular one that caught her eye.


  Hey, it's Sam! I thought about it and i think i wanna be in ur band :D LMK the details and also do you want to send me her schedule so i can see if we have any classes together? ]

A/N PLEASE I MADE UP A RANDOM NUMBER DON'T CALL IT (if you call it lmk who it is :D)


Yeah here it is

*1 Attachment*

You should sit with all of us at lunch if i didn't scare you in the car]

Deena begins to smile at her phone but that smile soon fades as she watches Robyn walk in the classroom. Robyn makes direct eye contact with Deena and sits down right infront of her.


Oh trust me you didn't scare me ;)

We have next hour together and I'm in the auditorium. Do you want to walk there together?]

"God that hot '' Deena whispers to herself.

The rest of the hour flew by pretty quick and as it neared time for the 2nd hour she felt her heart race a bit. The end of the hour bell blared through the halls and Deena tried to take off from her seat but was grabbed by a familiar grip hold.

"What in all hell could you want Robyn" she said turning around, disgust clouding her eyes.

"I just wanted to let you know that your little not caring stunt isn't going to work for long. you will come crawling back eventually." Robyn replied, standing a few inches over Deena looking down on her trying to look intimidating.

"Whatever" Deena pulls her arm out of Robyns grasp and instinctually elbows her in the ribs. Without looking back Deena walks out into the hall only to find Sam watching the whole exchange with a sour look on her face.

A/N I hope this was suitable for yall, im going to try to write more so that i can post another chapter without disappearing. sorry for the last 2 chapters being so short. Also thanks for all the reads, votes and comments it makes me very happy :D! anyways see yall when i decide to come out of my habitat to interact with the world again.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2021 ⏰

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