Chapter 6

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"I'm sorry Dream, but I already gave Sapnap and Karl everything that we could dig up. There is nothing more that we can give you." Badboyhalo said with a sad look on his face. He hated not being able to help.

"Baaaad, I'm hungry," Skeppy said throwing himself onto Bad's back.

"I know Skeppy, we can grab some food later," Bad replied patting Skeppy on the head.

A sad smile tugged at Dream's lips. Seeing the duo interact with one another, reminded him so much of how he and George used to be.

Just then Sapnap walked in carrying bags full of goodies, "Hey Bad...look what I got."

"Muffins!" Bad yelled happily as he ran to grab the bag from the raven head.

He gave one muffin to Skeppy before setting the bag down on his desk, and reaching in for one himself. Sapnap chuckled at Bad's behavior as he handed Dream and Karl their share of the snacks.

A few weeks after Sapnap and Dream first joined the agency, they received word that someone had hacked into their system. After many failed attempt in tracking the hackers down, Philza decided to assign the case to the both of them, which they managed to pull off in a couple of hours.

That was how they first meet Bad and Skeppy. The hacker duo were terrified when they saw the police break down the door to their apartment, but Dream managed to convince Philza to hire them, since putting them in jail would be a waste of their talents.

"I'm sorry that we couldn't be of more help," Skeppy said as he reached over to grab another muffin from the bag on Bad's desk, only for the brunette to slap his hand away.

"What the fuck Bad!" Skeppy exclaimed rubbing his hand to ease the sting.

"Language! And these are mine!" Bad said, as he grabbed the bag and held it close to his chest.

While the two started bickering in the background, Sapnap turned his attention to Dream.

"So... dead end?"

"I'm just getting started," Dream replied with a smile.

He turned back to the two hackers who were still arguing like an old married couple.

"Hey, can you do something for me?"

The pair stopped fighting and turned to Dream.

Bad spoke up first, "Sure, what do you need?"

"I need you to double check the info on each of the victim's files."

Skeppy raised an eyebrow, "I don't get it."

Dream walked over and pointed at the screen that had the victim's file up. "Like here, it says he went to Harvard, I need you to hack into the school records and see if that's true."

"Oh that's easy, give us a few minutes," Skeppy said making his way to his desk, and stretched out his fingers before he started typing away.

"Hey, this is the perfect opportunity to test the program that we've been working on," Bad said as he pulled it up, and started typing commands.

Sapnap walked over to see what Bad was up to, "What exactly is this program?"

"It allows us to hack into any surveillance camera. We can see all the footage it took since the day it was installed. It comes with facial recognition as well, making it easy to spot our target even in footage taken years ago. All we got to do is put the victim's picture through a filter, so he looks the age he was supposed to be when he went to Harvard. Then let the program run and see if it spots a match."

"Impressive, you guys are geniuses" Karl commented.

"It was Skeppy's idea," Bad said shooting his partner a smile.

"You did most of the programming though," Skeppy replied returning the smile.

Sapnap stifled a laugh, weren't they just at each others throats over a muffin.

He looked over at Dream and saw his friend smiling at the two hackers, but he knew that there was sadness behind that smile. He and George used to bicker a lot too, only to make up right after.

"Huh... That's weird," Skeppy said scratching his head.

"What did you find?" Karl asked.

"I found nothing, this guy doesn't have any records at Harvard."

"Same here," Bad said, "the program just finished scanning through all the footage but found nothing."

"Same goes for the other victims, I just did a quick check and nothing popped up for them either," Skeppy added.

"I suspected that, they all have fake identities," Dream said then turned to Bad.

"Hey Bad, think you can push this new program of yours a bit more,
and go back a few more years, maybe back to when he was just a child?"

Bad nodded before placing the victim's photo through the filter once again. This time he pushed it till the photo was now that of a kid around 7 years old.

The brunette then ran the photo through the program and said they might have to wait awhile. Since they didn't have a specific area to search through, he had to widen the search area to the whole continent.

"Now this is a sight I never thought I'd see again," a voice spoke up from behind them.

They all turned to see Philza standing by the doorway. The chief walked up to Dream and gave him a pat on the back.

"Good to see you back in action Dream," Philza said with a smile.

"Thanks Chief," Dream replied returning the smile.

"I got a match!"

All heads turned to Bad's screen, as he pulled up a video of a small boy reading a book, while sitting on the steps of what seemed to be an orphanage. When a black car pulled up, the boy grabbed his bag and headed towards the car. The video stopped there.

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