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05; first setting on fire,

now we're drowning... hurray?

Really, it's coming to a point for Chastity that she needs to question the validity of this competition, and the intelligence of those running it. The cold nips at her exposed skin as she stands with her fellow Slytherins on the barges over the black lake. She can clearly see Harry shivering on the champions barge. Fleur and Viktor, too.

Hell, she's shivering. And she's part frost giant! The champions are about to plunge straight into the freezing water of the black lake and risk death by both drowning and hypothermia for some stupid title.

Draco looks over at Chastity as she curls in on herself, trying to keep warm. He frowns, thinking for a moment, before taking off his Slytherin scarf and wrapping it around the shivering girl. Chastity is startled by the action, but appreciative nonetheless. She snuggles into the fabric that is still warm from Draco and smiles over at the boy in question.

"Thank you." He gives a small smile in return.

Pansy glares heatedly at Chas, red hot jealousy pouring over every fibre of her being. "God, Draco. Did your parents not remind you that mudbloods are the scum under our feet this year?" She 'whispers' into the ear of the Malfoy heir. Draco spins, practically growling at Pansy.

"Do not even think of my parents, Parkinson. What I do and what they teach me is none of your concern." She cowers slightly, backing away, but not out of arms reach.

In all honesty, the Malfoy have little quarrel with muggle born witches and wizards, they only keep up that facade to please the followers of the dark lord. Lucius and Narcissa abandoned the views of Voldemort long ago, even before their son was born. But since he was never truly gone, they need to make play that they are still loyal. Much like Severus.

Chastity steps forward and tilts her head to the side. Her eyes flicker black just enough to cause an unease to settle over Pansy and her followers. "Mind repeating that to my face, Parkinson? I'm no muggle born, and you'd better hope you never meet either of my parents, you might end up skinned and fed to the giant squid for speaking such foul words about me."

"Fuck you, Romanoff."

"I would, but I don't think you swing that way, do you?" Pansy screeches before rushing away, the Greengrass sisters hot on her tail.

"You didn't have to give me this, Draco." Chastity keeps her eyes trained on the champions but holds the scarf out to the blonde at her side. He sighs, pushing her hand back.

"You are cold, I'm not as cold. It's fine, Chas." She looks over at him finally and smiles.

"Not as cold." She mocks jokingly, scooting closer to share warmth with him. He takes the opportunity, wraps an arm around her shoulders and pulls her close. She squeaks quietly and laughs at him. "Not as shy as I thought you were." She mumbles.

"Me, shy?"

"What?" she grins up at him.

Their moment is interrupted by the sound of a canon and three, no wait four splashes.

Music begins to erupt from somewhere and the cheers are deafening... until the crowd realizes it's going to be a while before the champions resurface.

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