Guard Dog

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Anubis called another meeting. This time, though, it was only with Legend, Will, Order, Lotus, the Twins, and Caretaker.

Will: What could be so important that I have to stop my Call of Duty game...?

Legend: Yeah, seriously. I was also in the middle of...something.

Caretaker: When's dinner?

Lotus just sat in his Asriel form on the couch, arms crossed, while the Twins played Rock Paper Scissors. Order sat next to Lotus, silently watching.

Everyone...I have a very good reason for calling you here today.

Lotus: I'd be kinda pissed if you didn't.

Will: I was just about to say that!

Legend: *Sarcastic* Whoa, so was I!

Will: Really?

Legend: No!

Shut up! Everyone! *Mumbles* No respect, I swear...*Normal* Alright, as I was saying, this is very important. I'd like you all to meet our newest addition to the family, Milo!

A big-ass beast of a teen walked into the room, having to duck under the door to get in. And when I say beast, that's not a figure of speech. He looked like he was fused with a weird wolf-thing. His eyes darted back and forth between each of the OCs.

Legend: What the fuck...?

Caretaker: ...

Lotus: *Hops behind the couch* Holy shit!

Twins: *Don't even care*

Order: He looks...unstable.

That's because he is! He's a Dead by Daylight OC, so he's a bit...not all there. Say hi, Milo!

Milo: *Growls menacingly*

Legend: I don't think he likes us.

Nonsense! He's just...different. Milo, heel!

Milo walked behind Anubis and just stood there.

Good boy, Milo!

Milo seemed visually happy at the praise.

Lotus: He's like a dog.

Exactly! He's my guard dog.

Will: Why would you need a guard dog?

Caretaker: There's nobody who would want to steal from us here!

*Shrugs* I don't know. Just thought he would be cool is all. Also, I'm inviting more people into the SBF.

Everyone just stared at him.

Legend: ...why?

Anubis shrugged.

It gets lonely here. The only other person/group who live here are Ganxer and her OCs, and we don't really interact much.

Order: Ever stopped to consider that it's because you sleep on the couch all day?

Nah, I'm sure that's not it. We've just been...busy.

Legend: Uh huh...*Writes down something on a notepad*

Caretaker: What's that?

Legend: Nothing. Don't worry about it.

Anubis dismissed everyone, and went into his lab with Milo following him. Sitting down in his chair, he brought out some paper and a pen. He started writing letters and putting them in envelopes. When he was done, he opened a portal and threw them in.

There. Those should reach everyone.

Anubis leaned back in his chair and started petting Milo. He started purring, even though his animal parts weren't that of a cat.

Huh...that's an interesting response, I guess.

Anubis walked out of the lab, locked it, and walked over to the couch and fell asleep, Milo guarding his master.

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