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I quickly remembered who he was. He was my ex-boyfriend from 3 years ago. I hope he doesn't remember me. We dated when I was 15 and we broke up a year later because he was cheating. He was my first love. But I don't give a shit about him anymore.

He has changed a lot. He has gotten taller and more muscular. He has his dark brown hair in a floppy mess. You can see his perfectly defined jawline and his sparkly green eyes. Wait. Snap out of it Kathryn.

Willow and that boy,what was his name? I was knocked out of my thinking when Willow opened the taxi door. I jumped out of the taxi and embraced Willow in a warm hug.

"I missed you Kathryn". I hadn't seen her in so long. It was nice to fell her arms wrapped around me again. My best friend.

"I missed you too Willow".

"Hey Kathryn? Is that you?". Great he knows who I am. Now i'm in trouble. Ik this isint going to end well and that's for sure.

"Yeah that's me,how have you been emm". I knew his names It was Jason, I just didn't want to seem as if I cared. When in reality I did.

"Jason" He replied with a smile.

"Yeah emm Jason" I started to walk towards the house hoping that was the end of our conversation.

"I've been well how about you?" Wow. Can he not tell I don't want to speak to him.

"Good I guess". I said bluntly

"You guys know each other?" Willow looked worried. Are they dating ? She definitely had nothing to worry about

"Yeah sadly we do".

We went inside the house and I just ran upstairs and unpacked all my stuff. It was now 4:30 when I finished so I went downstairs and I started talking to Willow and Jason.

"So Kathryn, Jason actually lives with us". You are actually kidding. This has to be a joke. My ex boyfriend who is dating my best friend is living in my best friends and my house. Willow doesn't even know we used to date. How did Jason get here. Could this get any worse.

"Great. Where does he sleep in your room?"

"Yep" Jason said popping the p. He was annoying me already.

"Hey, can I speak to Kathryn alone?". No. No. No he can't. Don't leave Willow.

"Um yeah sure" Willow replied. Willow what have you done. Please come back. Ugh.

"Let's get this over with" I rolled my eyes and he gestured me upstairs. We got upstairs and walked into my bedroom and shut the door.

"So Kathryn should we tell Willow we dated?" Jason asked kind of worried.

"Okay, is that all you wanted to talk to me about?". I was kind of relieved. I thought he was going to say something serious about me. Talk about our past which i certainly didn't want to bring up.

"Actually no, emm I don't know how to say this Kathryn but I-I-I um Kathryn I still love you".I stood there shocked, my mouth hanging open. He's got to be joking. Like hes not serious is he. I started to get angry.

"Then why did you cheat on me then suddenly without me knowing disappear and move to California?" I was getting to annoyed. We started talking about things I didn't want brought up and it just set me off.

"Because I wasn't thinking straight, I was dumb I didn't know what to do. I moved to California because I was to cowardly to face you. Kathryn I'm sorry". He truly did look sorry but I wasn't going to forgive him that easily. He didn't deserve my forgiveness.

"I'm not going to forgive you. Let's just go downstairs and forget any of this ever happened". I stormed out of the bedroom and slammed he door. I tried to cool off before I got to Willow so she wouldn't suspect something was up.

We went downstairs and told Willow about us. She was fine with it just she hoped there was nothing going on between us. I quickly said no. I'm going to go more into detail about me and Jason with her tonight or something.

I was getting bored being stuck in the house. I asked Willow where the nearest Starbucks was. Willow said it was a 5 minute walk, on the left hand side of the road and that I wouldn't miss it. I ran upstairs and grabbed my pastel pink and black penny board with black wheels, ran out the door and started to skate down the street.

When I reached Starbucks, I ordered my normal latte. A caramel frappé. I took a seat and waited until I heard my name being called. When it was ready I quickly grabbed it and ran outside to see a beautiful sunset. I decided to walk down to the beach and watch the sunset from there.

When I reached the beach, there were a couple guys playing volleyball. I ignored them and just watched the sunset peacefully until a volleyball came flying at me and hit me in the head. I fell back and heard someone calling

"I'm so so sorry, I didn't mean for the volleyball to hit you in the head". I don't think this day could get any worse. First my ex shows up not i'm getting a bruise on my head.

"Yeah well next time try and hit it somewhere other than my". I stopped mid sentence because I looked up and seen a cute boy with deep chocolate brown eyes, brown soft swoopy hair and about 5'7 or 5'8. "I'm sorry for being rude".

"No it's okay I'm sorry, I'm Jc". He said flashing a super cute smile. He was very cute I won't lie.

"I'm Kathryn". I said while I smiled back.

"Well nice to meet you Kathryn".He sat down beside me for a bit and we talked and exchanged numbers. He asked me if I wanted to hang out with him at the mall for the rest of the day. I agreed. Because who wouldn't want to hang out with a super cute boy.

Authors Note

So guys what do you think so far?
I'm going to update when I get this chapter to 60 or 70 reads or 3 votes in both chapters
👯 hope you are enjoying✌🏼️

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