Chapter 3 - Queen To The Scene

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Serena POV

It has been 3 years since Ash has left for Kanto, I've been trying to contact him but I didn't give him my phone number. After My journey from Hoenn, I decided to participate in the master class again, Who knew I would end up winning the title Kalos Queen but It just ended up making my life a mess.

As soon as I head out to leave, Boom papparazi everywhere, It's like they know my every move

Serena: Hey guys
Shauna: Hey Serena
Trevor: Hey
Serena: Do you guys wanna meet up in the Amber Cafe in Lumiose later?
Tierno: Sure what time my lovely lady;)
Calem: Shut up Tierno
Serena: Erhm Ok How about in 20 minutes? I'm gonna wear a disguise so people wouldn't recognize me
Shauna: Sure bye!
Trevor: bye
Calem: bye
Shauna has left the chat
Calem has left the chat
Serena has left the chat
Trevor has left the chat
Tierno: hugh only me here ig
Tierno has lef the chat

~20 minutes later~
Everyone: Hey guys

Shauna: Where's Serena?

Tierno: Maybe she's late

Serena: *whispers* Hey guys I'm here

Calem: Oh I forgot you would be wearing a diguise

Serena: Yeah since becoming Kalos Queen, People have been stalking me down

Trevor: ew that sounds weird, just because you're the Kalos queen doesn't mean you're the rarest pokemon in the region

Shauna: Anyways Let's order!

~30 minutes later~
Tierno: Hey Calem Wanna battle?
Calem: Sure but don't go crying to your mother after I beat you
Tierno: Let's see after I win
Shauna: Okok Let's just go battle
*walks up to pokemon center's battlefield*
Trevor: I'll be the referee if you don't mine, This is a 1v1 battle against Tierno and Calem, Let the battle begin!

Calem: Stand by Chesnaught!

Tierno: We're not gonna lose. Go, Blastoise! Use rain dance!

Calem: Use Close Combat before he uses rain dance!

Tierno: Use ice Beam On the field!

Calem: Use rollout to get close to him then continue your close combat

Tierno: Use the beat to dodge then use skull bash! Followed up by hydro pump!

Calem: use Vine Whip to lift yourself up then use Hammer arm followed up by Pin missile!

Tierno: Dodge!

Calem: Use Close Combat!
*Hits blastoise and it falls to the ground*

Trevor: Blastoise is unable to battle!
So the win goes to Chesnaught and Calem!

Calem: Like I said I always win
And I'm the best, Right Serena?

Serena: Urhm Yeah!

Tierno: Nice battle calem
Let's go heal up our pokemon!

Calem: Nah my Chesnaught isn't really hurt so you guys heal up first.
I'll just check around first

Shauna: OK bye!

Calem pulls out his phone and starts to walk ot the forest but he suddenly bumps into someone.

Calem: Hey look where you're going!

???: Sorry About that I was chasing a pokemon!

Calem: Yeah right probably just chased a weedle!

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