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After picking up the kids I head over to Teller Morrow. and park next to Gem's Suv.

"Alright, guys let's go see how gran, gramps, and dad are doing,"  I say as I climbed out and help them out.

I take their hands as we go to the garage office.

"Grandma," Holly and Zac say gaining Gemma's attention

She places the sheet of paper down and opens her arms as they rush over to her and give her a hug.

"How are my babies doing?" she asked

"We are fine. we had school which was fun and now we are here" Zac says

"any homework?" Gem asks

"Nope," Holly says

I smiled as I watched them.

"your grandpa and dad are in the clubhouse," she says

"Alright let's go say hi," I tell them as I move back letting them rush out across the way to the picnic tables.

"Hey lad and Lass" Chibs greets them

"Hi Chibs" they replied and give him a hug 

"Ye twa hae grown " he says

they both smile then walk on into the clubhouse.

I greet Chib with a kiss on the cheek.

" Awright loue "he greets

"Hello Chibs" I replied

He smiled as I walked past him to see where my two little rugrats got off two. when I walked inside I saw the guy I tatted today sitting on the couch with my twins and watching cartoons.

I greet everyone before I walked over to the bar and get a bottle of water before I go to join the little gang around the tv.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

I rolled my eyes at the voice. before I turned to face Tara.

"Visiting if you must know" I replied

"you have no business here" she tries.

"I have more business here than you. this isn't a hospital your not prepping for any surgery here" I replied

she steps up in my face and I hand my water bottle to the prospect that wanted to intervene.

"Jax is not getting back with you," she says

I laughed.

"you think I want to get back with him?"

"why else would you be here?"

"wow, you must think lowly of yourself if you see me coming here to see some friends and family as a threat."

"No, I'm just telling you before you think you have a chance" she states.

"well, you can have and keep Jackson. I'm not wanting him. I've got all I've ever wanted from him. and I'm happy without him" I tell her 

I go to walk past her but she grabs my arm.

"Remove your arm before I do it and trust me you won't like how I do it" I warned

She drops her hand and glares at me.

"watch your back" she threatens

I stood back in her face and smiled evil like.

"I ain't the bitch you wanna threaten. trust me."

She scuffs and walks off while I take my water back and go to join my kids but I see they are not on the couch instead they are talking with Clay.

So I walked over and sit on the couch and drink my water.

"you must hate her," the guy says

"you could say that" I replied

"I'm Happy," he says

"Madelynn" I replied

"how long have you been doing ink?"

"since I was a teen. I got fully certified when I was nineteen" I replied

he nodded his head and took a sip of his beer.

"Hey momma gran wanted to know if we can go and spend a couple of nights with her" Zac asked

I looked at him and Holly before looking up at Gem.

"Alright, Gran knows the rules when it comes to you all, so you two make sure you listen and do as she says. you two also know the certain rules of a particular visitor" I say to them as I stand up.

I excuse myself before I walked out the door and headed to the back of my car where I grab the twin's backpacks before I close the door before walking to the hatchback to grab their overnight bags that I had ready for a sleepover with grandma.

I walked over to Gem's suv open the door and place their bags in the back before I close her door and head back inside.

"Alright Gem their bags and backpacks are in the back of your car so when you guys leave you've got their things already," I tell her

she nods her head and walks off while the kids go with Kenny and Ellie to the play area.

"here can you watch him" some croweater asks handing me screaming Abel.

I take him and hold him gently before I start bouncing him in my arms as I walk around the room. I grabbed his bottle and feed him as I hummed softly to him.

"What the hell are you doing with my son?" Tara asked going to take Abel

"you wake him I will punch you" I warned

She drops her arms and stops off while I pocket the bottle and keep humming.

"alright Madelynn give me my son," Jax says

I shake my head while looking at Tara who was standing there with her arms crossed and glaring at me as I carefully pass Abel to Jax.

"thank you for getting him to sleep," he says

"anytime" I replied then hand him the bottle and I walked off before I decked Tara's ass.

Wild heart,  Sweet soul ( complete & not edited)Where stories live. Discover now