chapter 3

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It was a year later Harry had been sorted into Slytherin and quickly became known as the Slytherin Prince. The Slytherin king and queen was two men named Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy.

Draco was queen and Blaise was king they had come into the role by being both powerful and trusted by everyone in the house unlike Harry, he had become the Slytherin prince due to how sweet and sensitive he was.

After a few weeks he began to see the two as parent figures and the two felt the same about him. They all made him Slytherin prince because not only did he have parental relations with their king and queen but because of how shy and sensitive he was, they all felt a great need to protect him and care for him, even Snape himself.

The only thing he disliked about Hogwarts was a few people named Hermine Granger, Ronald Weasley and Pansy Parkinson. They were all incredibly awful to him Hermine who would bully him about being gay saying it was wrong that he was a freak while Ron would bully him over everything, then on top of that there was Pansy she was really mean to harry due to all Slytherins liking him and disliking her.

However, there were good things too, such as he met Sirius Black and Remus Lupin as well as the Malfoy family. They all had become like parents to him but mostly Blaise and Draco. Even though he loved them all and the Slytherin dearly he couldn't help but want some actual parents. He desperately desired the love and comfort they could give him.

He knew they all loved him especially Blaise and Draco. He knew this because when he had nightmare or got upset Blaise was there in an instant calming him, holding him and just comforting him in general which was usually followed by Draco coming into the room with his blanket, bunny, and some hot chocolate.

He had actually started referring to Blaise as papa and Draco as mama when he's tired or gets upset. Everyone in Slytherin finds it adorable but still he was embarrassed when he first said it, he actually didn't realise he had done it till Blaise pointed out to which harry responded to by shoving his neck into Blaise's chest trying to hide his obvious blush.

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