chapter 4

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A month later something strange happened. Harry woke up at the middle of the night screaming in pain. It took Blaise hours to calm him down but even then, it was only to quiet whimpers and cries.

Eventfully Blaise and Draco ended up sleeping with him. The next morning the two woke up to see harry with angel wings. Slowly Blaise picked him up and carried him to Snapes office to ask if he knew what happened. He suggested that it may be a creature inheritance.

Later that day as he was walking through the streets towards Gringotts he seemed to go in some sort of trance worried Snape, Blaise and Draco followed him to make sure he was okay.

Soon he went down an ally and growls could be heard, cautiously they followed him to a small puppy on the street and found it hiding underneath its blankets in a box, this was when harry snapped out of his trance. Lifting both him and the blankets he was hiding in, they realised something, it wasn't a normal dog it was Harry's familiar.

They knew this due to the bright golden strings wrapping around the two it was something mysterious and powerful, a creature bond. Suddenly they all gasped, it wasn't a dog at all, it was a Cerberus.

Finally, they made it to Gringotts. They decided to hide the Cerberus in Harry's jacket, so nobody freaked out. When they got there, they asked to do an inheritance test.

All the goblins could feel the magical power emanating from them, but they couldn't tell which one it was, deciding to have the king do it due to the massive power they called for their king letting him know they were coming and why then sent them on their way.

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