The Encounter

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"Lei! Wake up! We landed! We're here!"

"Mmmmmhh."- i mumbled.

"Welcome to U.S little sister. Let us take a selfie!"- Lou said, then posted it on ig. My phone beeped. There's a mention.

" U.S with my pretty little sister! (Well she's not that little) 💞💕 Sure! She'll love it in here! @leightclassx"

I watched my phone as that photo has a lot of likes almost 50,000

"Are you that famous?"- i asked her, she shrugged her shoulders.

"I'm not famous dear, the band that i am styling IS FAMOUS".- she said. While i just nod until my phone beep and beep and saw a lot of follows.

"Is that how the fans are obsessed?"- i asked. I am very curios.

"Oh yup! They even thought i was Niall and Harry's girlfriend they keep calling me bitch or slut but they just love the boys. i understand them." Lou said, i just nodded and saw the unbelievable follow.

" fakeliampayne, niallhoran, harrystyles is now following you!"

"louist91 is now following you!"

oh god!

"Louuuuuu!" - i heard a manly voice, well its kind of familiar i looked up because i thought that was my brother Tom (well not my brother but like my brother). Then i saw a curly haired man, a blonde guy who's eating chips, and stripes. They hugged Lou after that they looked to me.

"She is Lei right?"- the eating machine guy asked while eating his chips. Lou nodded, while i was just standing there and don't know what to do.

"Uhhhmmm. *gulp* hi?"- i asked/greeted.

God they were so Hot not that hot hmm i mean awesome/. They look like a demigod srsly!

"Hi i'm niall!"- the blonde eating chips said.

"And i'm Harry *winks*"- is he trying to flirt?

"Hey harry! Don't flirt with my sister or else i'll punch you!"- Lou said, while harry was raising his hand and eyebrows saying "i give up"

"I'm AWESOME! kidding, I'm LOUUUUIIIIIISSSS!"- oh such an energetic guy, i smiled to him.

"Where's the other two?"- Lou said.

"Oh they were at the Limo! Probably waiting! Cmon!"- harry said, Lux was sleeping while Lou is carrying her.

"Let me help you with your bags milady."- Niall said smiling. Then there, he help me.

I'm just exploring sights and streets we are passing by i stopped looking at the Limo when i noticed all eyes are on me yep! All! Even Lux'.

"Uhhm..Pardon?"- i said.

"Does she talk?"- i heard louis whispered to Lou.

"Oooh i'm sorry i'm not sociable, well no that sociable because i have a social media accounts but you know......."

"She's sounds like Ana of Frozen!"- i stopped talking when i heard that well it was Zayn.

"Yep. All of her friends says that."-Lou said. This is awkward, i mean they are not awkward, i'm awkward they're gorgeus!

"We yit go! We yit go!"- we looked to this Adorb girl and saw Lux singing "let it go" such a cutie.

"Ooh! Good thing i taped her!"- Niall said. "I'll upload this on ig!" He continued. "Hey Lei do you have twitter? I just know your Instagram!"- Niall asked.

"Uhhm. Yep. It's "@leightclassx"- i said and he (i think) is uploading the weyitgo.

My phone beeped twice a notif from ig and twitter.

T:"@NiallOfficial: We Yit Go! She's not chinese ok.@leightclassx @onedirection #LuxSingingWeyItGo"

Ig:"@niallhoran: Our lil.princess singing weyitgo. @louteasdale @leightclassx @fakeliampayne @harrystyles @louist91"

And the comments are like


Leigh Teasdale, Lou's sis!


Aaaaawww :') Lux became really their little sister. So okaaaay.


The whole day went pretty awesome, got new followers and #LuxSingingWeYitGo got trend, and i'm about to sleep!

We are at a Tour Bus. Exactly 1D's bus. Well really, i still don't like them. Well i mean i'm still not going yo fangirl. Like "OMGGGGG! I'M WITH WANDERECTION!!!!!" I'll just act normal.

Okay i'm so sleepy.




This was a bit corny! Forgive meeeeehh. ! Even though it's corny they are still awesome!

*high five!* okay i think no one's reading

*high five (again, but to myself)*

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2015 ⏰

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