It's Not A Small World After All

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Eagle Droid Speaking: Bep Bep Brrrrb
The streets of Coruscant were as hearty as always, citizens of every race conversed in a myriad of different languages as they made their way to their respective destinations. The shuttles and carriers maneuvered around the sky with incredible precision, loading and unloading their cargo once they got to their assigned landing pads. A bit further away, on the outskirts of the Jedi Temple, were three experienced Jedi.

"Master Ord Enisence, Master Pong Krell, I'm happy to see you I am. Much to discuss we have. The elder of short stature spoke in a polite yet serious tone.

"Oh? If someone such as yourself wishes to discuss this with us then it must be serious..." The male Skrilling Jedi Master spoke.

"Unfortunately so, a disturbance in the force, I felt, something big is going to happen soon, I fear..." The Grandmaster of the esteemed Jedi Order said with worry.

The two Jedi Masters' eyes widened in both shock and worry, "Have the sith finally decided to act? How big is the threat?" The four-armed man, known as Pong Krell, started to bombard the Grandmaster with a list of questions.

"Sith, I think not, something bigger, something darker, I believe. Ally or foe, still unsure I am..."
The voice of the small alien was coated in both worry and fear.

Both Pong Krell and Ord tensed at the seriousness of the Grandmaster, "If it's this serious, why not ask Obi-Wan or Anakin to handle the situation?" Ord didn't understand why they were both called to this meeting. They both knew that there were more skilled, and experienced Jedi out there.

"The rest of the Jedi in the war they are... Trust in your abilities I do." This did not answer the question that Ord had answered, this caused both of the Jedi to become confused.

"What do you wish us to do, Master Yoda? Shall we bring in a fleet and destroy this darkness before it grows any bigger?" Pong was as ready as ever. He closed all 4 of his fists and waved them around, signaling that he was ready to take down this unknown threat.

"If we attack without reason, many consequences we'll face. let them know we come in peace and wish for no war with them, maybe offer to join our side, if we can..." Yoda's reasoning seemed to gather two different reactions. On one hand, Master Ord was thankful that they didn't have to resort to violence. On the other hand, Master Krell was dissatisfied, he wanted to peer into the abyss that was this never-before-seen threat. He wanted to see what he or they were capable of...

"A wise decision," Said Ord, "When shall we depart? I am eager to begin." The green-skin alien showed Yoda a sincere ear-to-ear smile. Master Krell wanted to interject, but he felt that it would be unwise to.

"As soon as you can, the time that we have must not be wasted, prepare you must, soon I shall send you the location." The two peacekeepers went their own ways after the Grandmaster concluded their brief meeting. Master Ord went to his personal chambers to meditate and prepare for his soon-to-be mission. Meanwhile, Pong activated a holoprojector when he reached a secluded location.

"Count Dooku, what are your orders?" Krell had placed a listening device underneath his robes when he heard that Yoda wanted to speak with him, he assumed it to be important and wished to record whatever the short alien said. When he was no longer within eyeshot of the Grandmaster he sent the recording to his true master.

"Hmm. Try to reason with this 'Dark Presence' and if you can, convince them to join us. If they refuse... Show them the power of the dark side!" The Count said this with a grave amount of seriousness, but Krell couldn't help but grin an evil smile when he heard the conclusion of the sith's message.

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