Chapter 5: Dandelions and Robes

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They all rushed to the second period which ended up being potions. Unluckily getting there 5 minutes late luckily they dont not detention. They all take their seats. Around 5 minutes later they have to stand around this coldren.

"This is an Amortia posion does anyone know what it does" Slughorn asks. Peter puts up his hand. "Yes Mr Pettigrew" Slughorn announces.
"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in the world. It smells different to each person, according to what attracts them." Peter explains

Nerves began to dance their way though Sirius' body. No ones knows about him and Remus other than the inner circle. They're doomed. But then again how will anyone know what Sirius and moony smell of. "Mr Black" Slughorn saying snapping me away from my thoughts.

"Yes sir" he asks

"Just making sure you were paying attention" he sighs. "Anyway Mr Pettigrew would you care to have the first smell" he tells Peter putting his hand over the coldren

(A.N I found this on a subreddit)

Peter approaches the coldren and smells the potion. "I smell.." he starts and gives another smell "Sharpies" he smells again "and roasted garlic" he finishes confused.

"What's a sharpie" Sirius whispers to Remus

"Its a muggle invention I'll show you after class Pads" he whispers back


A few people go then Remus. He leans over "leather, cigarettes and.." he starts and gives another smell "why does it smell of wet dog that's-" he ends Sirius guessed he realised who it was. Sirius was really confused, not knowing who it is.

"Mr Black please come smell it" Slughorn says.

He walks over and smells it "chocolate, old books and" Sirius says really not knowing what the last smell is "oh its cinnamon" he laughs while walk away from the coldren.

"How do you not know what cinnamon smells of?" Remus askes

"How does the smell of wet dog confuse you" Sirius laughs. A few more people go up including Lily and Marlene until its James who's left.

He goes over "I smell new books, burning wood and Dandelions".

Sirius' mouth slightly opened "I know this bitch isn't smelling my sister." He said

After school

We managed to sneak a bottle of the amortentia to give to Natalie to see who her soulmate is. Shes just sat there studying for a test.

"Hey Nat?" Sirius asks

"No" she says bluntly.

"We just need you to smell a scent for us please" I beg

"Fine" she sighs. They give her the tiny bottle and she smells it. "Cologne, something sweet and not too salty. And? HOW DID YOU GET THE SMELL OF ROBES IN HERE, SPECIFICALLY JAMES'" she questions.

"No! Absolutely not! NOT JAMES AND MY LITTLE SISTER!" Sirius found himself thinking.

A few hours later Nat is needed by Dumbledore, Peter and James are in detention. And Lily and Marlene are in Hogsmead. So it's just Sirius and Moony. We're sat in the dorm "studying" or as other people call it making out.

Sirius was laying on top of Remus and was sucking on his neck, leaving hickey's all over his neck. The other raked his hands through Sirius' hair and was softly moaning and groaning. Suddenly, they hear a knock on the door and Sirius hides under the bed. And Remus does whatever hes doing.

Natalie walked in looking at Remus. "Remus I need advice on how to ask out Ja-" shes asks walking in.

"Continue" Remus said trying not to look suspicious in any way.

"Sirius is under the bed isnt he" she asks.

"No" Sirius mutters from under the bed. "I'm just a talking bed who's telling you not to ask out this James guy"

"Sirius" she says clearly knowing its him.

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