chpater 8: the marauders

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"Wait what, he kissed you" Mary squeals

"Yea it was so unexpected" Natalie sighs falling onto her bed

"It was also unexpected for Sirius to show up out of no where" Dorcas laughs

"True" Nat agree

"Can you imagine when your future kid asks where you had your first kiss and you have to say a library with the Gryffindor seeker" Andromeda laughs "Like how nerdy will that make you sound"

"Don't act like you and Ted didn't have yours in the kitchen while you had a cookie in your mouth" Lily laughs

"Wait Ted as in Ted Tonks as in the Ravenclaw seeker" Nat saya completely gob smacked

The boys were basically doing the same thing in the marauders dorm. Just in a less giggly way.

"You are aware Sirius is going to be hunting for you for the next week" Ted laughs

"I'm his best friend he wouldn't hurt me he cares about me too much" James assures everyone mainly himself.

"James, bro, I wouldn't say anything to hurt you nor your confidence, as wouldn't the rest of us but you know, you kissed his sister he's gonna kill you next time he gets the chance" Frank assures.

"Okay but he can't kill me I'm one of a kind" James laughs

"Yes James, you are it's not like anyone else is willing to kiss Natalie in front of Sirius" Remus states sarcastically.

~the next day~

"ohhh so he get's let off the hook for making out with Sirius in a broom cupboard, but I kiss one boy and boom I get put on a safety lead" Natalie sates and holding up her wrist

"act like a bitch you get treated like one" Reg jokes, well that's until Y/N punches him in the face and walks over to the Gryffindor table leaving Regulus in pain with Barty in stitches at the Slytherin table.

"you could have being nicer to him" Sirius laughs. Suddenly, Nat feels something touch her hand. She looks down and sees James discreetly touching her hand. She gives him a small smile. "James?" Sirius states

"Yes" he replies concerned

"No more kissing my little sister, got it" Sirius interjects

"Got it" James laughs, then whispers to me "looks like we have a forbidden love"

"James, can I talk to you a second?" Clementine asks "in private that is"

"Urmmm can do" James states and walks out the great hall. Natalie watches. She could tell something was about to go down, but what she had in mind was a different concern.

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