Chapter 4

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Brodie above


I really hoped he was ok. I don't think I have ever seen him miss a day of school this year, I know it is only the second term but still. Maybe I was worrying too easily, I don't know? But the fact he is giving me a chance has me beyond excited, I finally came through to him, I made some sort of connection, even if it was small. Everything counts for something.


The next morning I woke up with a headache. I went downstairs to find that my mother was not home, nor my father, but I did find a not.


I had to go early this morning, and sorry I never got a chance to talk to you last night. I promise tonight we can have dinner and you can tell me about this week of school.

Love mum

I smiled after reading the note. Most of my friends would have been pissed that their mums were absent, I wasn't. She made an effort and we caught up maybe once or twice a week. I went back upstairs after polishing off some cereal.

I took my phone from my pocket and clicked on my new contact. I think he was going to be my new addiction.

Me: Hey Carter

Carter: Hey

Me: Are you coming to school today?

Carter: Yeah

Me: Wanna hang out after school?

Carter: Can't sorry, I have to work

Me: How far away is it from school

Carter: A 2km walk or so?

Me: I'll drive you there

Carter: You don't have to

Me: I am not taking no as an answer

Carter: Ok. Thanks then.

Me: My pleasure. See ya at school.

Carter: Bye.

Ok. So maybe I was a tad bit stubborn, but what I was more interested in is why is he always working and so late. I mean it's normal for a senior to have a part time job but most of us usually don't work late shifts just afternoon ones. Whatever.

I hopped in my jeep and began driving to school. The drive was only 5km, a simple one, but I still always had the urge to blast my music. One day in the future, I am going to be deaf.


I got to school and saw Carter at his locker, and that asshole was there. I walked over to Carter and leant against his locker, he saw me and smiled then turned back to Flynn. The boy looked small and a bit intimidated by Flynn. Though compared to me I was a few cm's taller than Flynn.

"Did you finish my homework last night?" I heard him ask.

Carter nodded meekly and then handed it to him.

"What about my assessment?" I saw the boy tense.

"Y-you didn't tell me you had an assessment," he stuttered.

Flynn scoffed.

"I shouldn't have to tell you!" It looked like he was going in for a punch so I rushed my hand in front of Carter's face and stopped the punch.

They both looked at me shocked.

"I would leave if I were you," I smirked at Flynn.

"You won't have your boyfriend to save you next time faggot!"

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