Chapter 27

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I was put in charge of making sure that Carter ate, this was done by his boyfriend of course. It was adorable how much they both cared for each other. I thought I would be pissed off and jealous, of their relationship, especially because I lost mine. Though I am not once ounce of jealous, just amazed.

I went downstairs and Carter was sitting down on the couch. It was 12 in the afternoon.

"Have you eaten anything?" I asked.

He turned his head an looked at me. I watched him carefully to determine if he was going to lie. He didn't he just shook his head.

"Want me to make you something?" I offered and he shook his head again.

I knew he would put up a fight for this. I really wanted to get him to see a doctor but I could tell that he definitely didn't want to go, so the only solution is to get him in a healthy condition here. While it isn't too late.


"I know, I know! I have to eat. I have to try but I just don't feel like it Dean. I am not hungry. I don't want to eat!" Carter exploded.

I sighed and went go sit next to him. He was now hugging his knees to his chest. I felt bad for upsetting him, this whole eating thing had really gotten to him.

"I'm sorry." He apologised.

"It's ok. I get this is probably hard for you, but I am here to help you and Ezra wants nothing but for you to be well," I comforted him.

"I will eat." He declared.

"And I won't try and puke it out," he added.

I nodded and walked to the kitchen. I don't really know what he likes to eat so I guess I just have to make what most people like. Bacon and eggs.

He came to the table once I was done and gave me a sincere smile. He looked at the plate that had one fried egg on it and 2 circular pieces of bacon. He cut up the bacon into small pieces and then spiked them with his fork.

I watched intrigued as he eyed it carefully before popping it into his mouth. He munched on it for a long while before he swallowed. He ate quite weirdly but I didn't care, as long as he ate I guess it would be fine, right?

Me: He ate food today.

Ezra: Ok cool. Thank you for watching him for me

Me: It's all good. I'm worried for him as well so don't worry about it.

Ezra: Ok

Me: So are you going to come tomorrow night for the celebration dinner?

Ezra: Yeah I'll be there

Me: Cool, are Ruby, Brodie and Noah coming as well?

Ezra: Yeah I think so

Me: Ok cool. It's not even going to be a massive celebration, I think we'll just hang out at our house.

Ezra: Ok cool

Me: Also bring swimmers because Mike has finished a pool in the backyard

Ezra: Oh awesome!

Me: Yep. I'll see you tomorrow.

Ezra: Bye

I went downstairs and Carter still sat on the couch. He was reading a book, the bookworm always read. He was either hanging out with us or reading. Not working quite so much anymore because of holidays but he still studied a fair bit.

I went to sit down next to him and he put his book down and looked at me.

"Thank you for eating," I whispered.

I didn't want to make a massive deal out of it but I wanted him to know that we appreciate all the effort even though we're pushing him.

"So you want to go for a swim since to pool is done?" I asked.

I felt like doing something so why not go for a swim?


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