Imagine 1. Comforting You

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You were crying so hard on your bed of your loft apartment. It's been a hard week for you as both a student and a worker. You've just started working as an intern just last month and you got dismissed today, at first you only thought it was okay but as the day goes on, your boyfriend suddenly decided to break up.

The reason behind the break up was nonsense, he want to leave you for a girl who never did a bare minimum which is your ex-bestfriend. It was hard to accept because most of your friends believed that you are the most hardworking person ever, not to mention how you have been aging beautifully to look more younger.

You've turned 25 by the last two months and people who have been close to you knows how much you've changed physically to a more fresh look. Sadly your mental stability had gotten more worse when your lecturer assigned you to a bunch of works that could be done in a group and the dateline doesn't even make sense.

Now that your sleep schedules had been messed up with the assignments and looking for a part time jobs in a meantime while waiting for your applications in several full-time jobs. Even your meal schedules aren't good because you've been rushing through the jobs, colleges and other chores.

You cried non stop till the sun sets down and your whole apartment now is dark with only a hint of light from your table light. You didn't care about it at all and just slump your face on the pillow that was damped from your tears.

The beeping sound of your front door can be heard. You didn't mind who was it because only some of your friends knew the password to your apartment.

Your name can be heard from a shout downstairs. It's surely not your girl friends and you already knew who was it. You only have one guy friend ever since you moved to Seoul. You heard footsteps coming up to your open bedroom.

"why didn't you turn the lights on?" he asked while turning on the some of the lights in the apartment. He saw your worn out condition and straight away walk to your bed, sitting at the edge of the bed.

"why are you here, Joshua Hong?" you asked, face still on the pillow. Too embarrassed to show your face to him with the stained tears and puffy red eyes.

"your friend told me that you just got dismissed from the internship and got dumped by that jerk." you used to hate Joshua calling your ex-boyfriend a jerk, well not anymore because he is a jerk.

"hmm." you have nothing else to said.

"I bought some foods. Maybe it can help you get yourself energised from getting drained over nothing."

You brought your pillow down from your face as you sat up, looking at him with an unsatisfied look. It's like neglecting you over what you feels despite the break up and dismissal internship. He shot you a questioning look.

"you want to say that I've drained my energy over useless things? Joshua, I just got fired and got my heart broken in a span of one day is that sounds useless to be cried about?" your voice crooked and swing the pillow to hit him but he has a fast reflex to avoid it.

"well I'm not saying that you're crying because you got fired was useless. It's kinda bad because that company who fired you was bad at evaluating workers. I know how hard you've been working in between studies and interning so how can they just fired you like that? They are bad to be honest." he said, organising the foods he bought on the folded table that you put under your bed in case you're too lazy to eat downstairs.

"thank you, you're right."

"but I'm pissed off when you cried for that jerk." he continues. Staring straight into your lifeless soul.

"and why is that?" you cross your arms.

"that man had been treating you badly, haven't you notice it? He didn't even came to you when you're dead sick. He didn't even attend to your college event for your course but forced you to come to his, does that sounds fair to you?"

You shook your head, knowing that Joshua got his points. When you rethink back of how your ex treated you, yes he never did anything for you even a tiny bit of support. You said to him that you want to move out and try living alone despite how small his apartment for you to do your assignments.

He never agree to that so you guys had a little fight and he never wanted to come apologise to you, ended up you're the first one to step forward and end the cold fight. Not to mention that he was bragging over you didn't do the laundry when your piled up assignments were near your dateline which cause a pressure to you but you only kept quiet and do as he said.

Yes, he's kinda toxic as what your friends always said including Joshua (that's why he called him a jerk and would glare at him everytime he acted nice in front of your friends) but you just stupidly loved him and follow everything he said.

"just forget about him. There's no use of you crying over him..." you nodded. You scoop a rice in the bowl and force yourself to eat even though you don't have the appetite. Afraid of getting scolded by Joshua.

"...I was the one you should be crying for." a mumble from Joshua can be heard roughly. You shot your head up.

"did you said anything?" he look at you, eyebrows connected in confusion.

"I didn't. Just eat and get some rest, I'll be downstairs till midnight if you need me." he quickly got up with the plastic bags and run downstairs.

You shook your head at the things you've heard earlier. Maybe you're just tired and since you're kinda having lack of sleep, some words might not audibly heard. You quickly finish up your foods and bringing the dishes to the kitchen.

You were shock to see your laundry were hanging neatly outside. Your workplace were tidy and look organised rather than before. You didn't mind if it's Joshua who did it but felt guilty for him to do that when it's your own apartment and you're a girl.

Joshua was nowhere to be seen but there's a sticky note on the fridge door.

'I'll be out to get some groceries
for you. If you had finished the foods,
leave it in the sink. I'll wash it up for you'

"well, if he say so." you felt like washing the dishes at first but again you don't want Joshua to launch his anger at you for not following his orders. He doesn't like it when people decline his offers so you just do as he told and went back upstairs to just sleep.

It's been 30 minutes, the usual you can fall asleep when your energy is drain and tired or when your eyes are tired from crying. But maybe because you had a lot of unexpected events coming today which got you a bit anxious to even sleep.

You heard the door lock beeping again with some plastic bags which calm you down that Joshua had already came back, but of course he wouldn't want to check on you so you just didn't care and went back to sleep. It's kinda relaxing to have Joshua are around, knowing your condition and decided to help you out. If that's the case. It makes you straight away drifted to sleep.

Joshua on the other hand just finish washing the dishes and restock all of your groceries and some house needs. He was worried that you could be waiting for him instead of sleeping so he immediately run upstairs to check on you. Maybe you were still crying, who knows?

When he reached your bed, the sound of you snoring shocked him. It made him laugh of how cute you are instead of thinking that snoring girls are funny. He knows how bad your weeks are, judging from how you didn't get to do your laundry, cleaning your workplace, restocking the supplies and threw out the garbage.

How Joshua wished he could've been in that jerk's place before but he was relieved to hear that you've broken up with him. At least he had the chance to take care of you and treat you with love that your ex failed to give. Joshua sat down beside you, pushing your hair behind your ears.

"you deserve the world, and one day I'll find out how to give it to you." he kissed your forehead before leaving.

ALL ABOUT YOU - JOSHUA IMAGINES FFWhere stories live. Discover now