014 (Snippet)

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Where did it all go wrong? No really, (Y/n) desperately wanted to figure out that question. One minute they were all having fun and minding their own business. Then the next you know Draken gotten hit upside the head with a lead by some Möbius punk, after trying to protect (y/n), and they were surrounded by them.

(Y/n) helped Draken beaten several of them before coming to his aid and checking his bloodied head. It wasn't too damaged but definitely needed some treatment. She cursed herself for not remembering to bring her medical kit, and thanked Kami for Takemitchy and Mitsuya arriving.

(Y/n):Emma! Your not hurt as well are you?

Emma:No, I'm fine!


She then glared at Peh-Yan.

(Y/n):Peh what the hell is the matter with you!? Brining all these guys here, attacking your friends, have you completely lost your mind?!

He didn't answer which angered the girl even more. She didn't get it. Draken and Mikey had patched things up, so what's with Peh-yan's sudden turn-around? Whatever it was she couldn't let this fight escalate any longer, if it does then Draken might actually die!

Mitsuya:Peh-yan, you asshole! What are you doing with Möbius?!

Peh-yan:You and (Y/n) need to shut fuck up Mitsuya or I'll kill you too!

Apparently Draken's injury must've affected him because he held his head and took a knee in exhaustion.

Draken:Looks like 20 guys is my limit. The rest are all yours (y/n) and Mitsuya, my head is killing me...

(Y/n):Yeah. Let's take these guys out together, Mitsuya

Mitsuya:*smirk* Ahah together huh, there might not be any one left for me if your fighting...after all....your not called our second ace in the hole for nothing (y/n)

Half of the boys in Möbius eyes widened at Mitsuya's statement and backed up a little as (y/n) took a few steps closer to them, smiling brightly.

"W...Wait...n-now that I've seen her for the second time, that really is her isn't it?"

"The girl who defeated a ton of gang members. C-Claims to have the strength blessed by Heaven itself and the speed of lightning...."

"The girl who goes by two names, one being unknown. Yeah...there's no doubt...she's the, The Flashstep Butterfly?!" (If you don't like the name leave suggestions to change it to something else)

(Y/n):Eheh Hey, would the guy whacked my friend with a pipe please come on out here? If you do I'll use my mantis style to paralyze you instead of my strength to kick your ass! Same goes for the rest of you too. I don't really consider using any part of my strength to fight, but today you've made me exceptionally mad....

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