CHAPTER 1 oneshot

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Xie Lian is a singer who is temporarily blind and busking in the park every day to earn some money for his treatment. One day a painter named Hua Cheng passes by to get some idea for his new project and while walking his eyes caught the beautiful and slender figure of Xie Lian who is performing.

    HC thought to himself “ Is this what you called a beautiful gift from heaven?” so he came closer to XL to get a nice view and he stares so intently at XL.But XL hasn’t notice anything yet because he is so focused in singing.

   When XL is almost finished with his busking, HC thought of an idea to make XL his model for his painting. So when the other man is done singing and packing his things , HC decide to approach him so he waved and called him but he got confused why XL didn’t glanced at him. He suddenly realized when XL pulled out his stick and immediately left. So HC didn’t have a chance to talk to him and decided to give it a try again tomorrow.

    Tomorrow came but HC didn’t see XL. Three days of coming back and forth to the park,and  he finally saw XL.He didn’t want to miss the chance of talking to XL so he charged and grabbed XL’s arm, forgetting that XL is blind.
    Startled and oblivious, XL swings his stick to HC. Luckily, HC has a good reflex so he easily blocked the stick.

   HC realized his fault and apologies to XL for acting that way. So when he calmed down XL and asked HC why did he do that and HC explained that he’s asking for permission if he could make XL his model for his project because the structure of the body of XL caught his eyes but XL is being hesitant and HC figured it out that XL will refuse so he suddenly offered a big amount of money just to be his model, Since XL heard his offer so he didn’t think twice to say yes to that offer because he really need a lot of money for his treatment besides making money from busking is really tiring and he can only earn a small amount of money.

   After the agreement of both parties HC told XL they will meet here in the park so it won’t be tiring for Xie lian. When the day comes and XL is already waiting for HC. After 30 mins of waiting HC has arrived with a coffee in both of his hands and HC apologized to XL told he was late because he was stuck in the traffic and bought some coffee as an apology gift, XL accepted his reason and also the gift and told HC that they should go already because XL is feeling tired.

   While they are on their way to HC, XL drinks the coffee and he got confused how did HC knows his favorite coffee and he thought of asking of HC but he backs out because he is thinking that HC will think that he is a stalker of him so he kept quiet.
    As they arrived HC help XL to come down from the car and assists him to the studio. HC notice XL is being uneasy so He did everything to make sure that XL will feel at home. And while they were talking XL become comfortable so HC felt relieved andasks XL if they could start now and he said of course, so HC assists XL to a room where there are only two chairs and drawing materials.

     While XL sitting silently in the middle, HC stares him so intently and examines him also HC thought to himself “Thank goodness I’m the first one to find this magnificent body”. HC didn’t realize that he keep praising him in his mind. Night came and HC only did couple sketch of XL because he thought that maybe it’s too much for him sitting all day alone and because it’s already late HC offered XL to stay over but XL thought that it kinda embarrassing but since its very late and dangerous for him so he said yes to Hc' offer and of course HC felt happy for his response and so on they went to be bed after eating their dinner.
   And in the whole 2 most this became they became close and also they developed feelings to each other but cannot accept to themselves how can't they developed those feelings to each other because they always eat their meal together, helping  XL for his treatment, and also XL sometimes spend the night in HC studio.

   And HC finished his painting but he didn’t tell to XL because he doesn’t want XL to leave him.But one day XL received a call from the hospital that his surgery will be scheduled next week. After XL received this amazing he loudly called HC because of the excitement, HC was also glad and excited for XL.

   A week past the day of the surgery came XL and HC are on their to the hospital. when they arrived at the hospital and getting for the operation suddenly HC received a call from his parents assistant that his parents died while driving back to their house.HC was devastated and he knows the XL will need him after the operation but his parents died so he needs to leave immediately.  So he decided to wait XL to enter the OR and leave but he is not planning to tell anything to XL because it may cause some stress for him.

     While XL is lying in the bed very excited because he can’t wait to be healed and so he can see HC face also he can confess to him. And when the time comes for XL enter the OR XL entered  smiling at HC beside him and waved goodbye. After the operation XL wakes up and keeps finding HC but the nurse said that HC leaved already, XL felt betrayed by HC. He didn’t have the chance to tell his confession and see him.

    A year later XL is getting better and regained his sight, and XL decided to keep busking in the same place where he and HC met hoping to see him even though he doesn’t know HC face. 2 years later while XL is busking he saw someone approaching to him from the back but he didn’t mind it but when that someone speaks he already recognize who is it so he immediately turn around and saw a very handsome man and that is HC .

   XL runs towards crying so hard  to HC but he didn’t expect that he will stumble so he fell, HC immediately help XL to stand up and XL said  while wiping his tears and dirt in his body“ oh how embarrassing moment for our reunion” because of this incident they both laughed. Suddenly XL punched HC in the stomach lightly and asks HC where did he went for the past 3 yrs and did not contact him.
    HC asked XL to go somewhere first and then explain to him everything so XL agreed to him and they went to the place, while on their way they were both very quiet and no one dared to speak first. And when they arrived XL felt very familiar to this place and he’s when he is going to ask HC but HC suddenly said that this is the studio where they stayed HC opened the door XL was behind him and as soon they entered XL was speechless of what he saw, it was the first time that he saw a very beautiful and magnificent painting. XL went forward to the painting but he didn’t knew that the painting was done because Hc Didn't told him anything and suddenly HC speaks behind him and explains  everything to XL why did he left and why it take years for him to come back for him and while explaining XL suddenly burst into tears and told HC that he is very self-fish and didn’t care for his feelings and blurt out that he is In love with him and didn’t had the chance to tell HC.

     HC runs towards to XL and kissed and hugged him very tightly XL is very surprise but he didn’t mind and kissed him back. After the very affectionate moment HC told XL that he also feels the same and he fell in love for him for 3yrs.And after their confession to each other they decided to date and XL helped HC with works and live happily.

And While that painting stayed in the studio where they build chemistry together.


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